1.Method The cyclopropanation reaction of ethylene with copper carbine [Simmons-Smith(SS)reagent] are studied by means of the B3LYP hybrid density functional method. 方法用密度泛函B3LYP方法研究了過渡金屬銅卡賓與乙烯的環丙烷化反應的機理。
2.The one-armed smith had left few personal effects: the cup, six pennies and a copper star, a niello brooch with a broken clasp, a musty brocade doublet that bore the stag of Storm's End. 獨臂鐵匠個人遺產極少:這個酒杯、六個便士一個銅板、一枚扣子壞了的烏銀領針、一件繡著風息堡雄鹿的霉爛織錦對襟上衣,沒了。
3.The one-armed smith had left few personal effects: the cup, six pennies and a copper star, a niello brooch with a broken clasp, a musty brocade doublet that bore the stag of Storm's End. 獨臂鐵匠留下很少私人物品:那個杯子,六個銅板以及一個銅做的星星,一個斷了鉤子的黑金別針,一件發霉的緊身上衣,繡著風息堡的雄鹿。