n. traveler
travellern. 旅行者
Traveller 旅行者;移動式起重機;吊遇車;行走機構;commercial traveller 旅行推銷員;釋義:旅行推銷員;行商,旅行推銷員;traveller form 模型車;TRAVELLER BAG 旅行包:;brass traveller 銅絲圈;
1.George travel(l)ed all over Europe last summer. 喬治在去年夏天遊遍了歐洲。
2.Thou wilt find, Eternal Traveller, marks of thy footsteps across my songs. 「永恆的旅客」啊,你將在我的吟唱中找到你的足跡。
3.The road to ruin is always keep in good repair, and the traveller pay the expense of it. 通往滅亡的大道是始終保持良好維修的,而其費用則由過路人支付。
but each year, the dogs are still sent out into the snow whenever a traveller is in difficulty. - 但每年還要派狗到雪山地裡去幫助那些遇到困難的旅遊者,
a brighter promise for the hopeful traveller who has sworn to get away from it all. - 而對於發誓用露營來擺脫煩惱的人來說,卻帶來了更光明的前景。
The modern traveller is often a man who dislikes the Splendide and the Bellavista, - 現代露營旅遊的人往往討厭住"斯普蘭迪德"和"貝拉維斯塔"這樣的大酒店,
that the traveller abroad thereby denies himself the opportunity of getting to know the people of the country visited. - 說這種封閉的作法使到國外旅遊者失去了瞭解所去國家人民的機會。
In Maori history,the first traveller to reach New Zealand in the year 950 was a man called Kupe. - 毛利人的歷史上,於950年第一個到達新西蘭的旅行者是一個名叫庫佩的人。