





n. crapulence ,deglutition ,drinkable ,drinkingv. drink in ,fuddle ,imbibe ,pledge


drink[driŋk]vt. 喝,飲;吸收;舉杯慶賀vi. 喝酒;飲水;乾杯n. 酒,飲料;喝酒


drink 飲料;喝酒;飲酒;喝,喝酒,(植物、土壤等的)吸水;alcoholic drink 飲料酒;含酒精飲料;含酒精的飲料;酒類;drink up 喝乾淨,喝完;一飲而盡;一飲而盡面膜;喝光;drink roundly 行路踏實,言談深刻,飲酒豪爽,睡眠酣暢。;行路踏實,言談深刻,飲酒豪爽,睡眠酣暢.;行路踏實,言談深刻,飲酒豪爽,睡眠酣暢;行路踏實,言談深刻,飲酒豪爽,睡眠酣暢. ";Long Drink 長飲;大杯飲料;長飲類;雞尾酒;


1.I only drink socially. 我只有在社交場合下才飲酒。

2.Where can we get something to drink? 我們可以去哪兒買點東西喝?

3.The patient can neither eat nor drink. 那個病人既不能吃,也不能喝。


OK, and go out and have a drink to congratulate ourselves. - 對,再出去喝一杯以示慶祝。

OK. You go out and get a drink of water at the fountain. - 好。你出去在飲水機那兒喝點水吧。

Our boss expects us to eat, drink and sleep our job. - 我們老闆恨不得我們把工作當飯吃,當水喝,當覺睡。

Be careful not to drink the water in__. - 小心點兒,不要亂喝水。

You drink too much. I think you're hooked on alcohol. - 你喝得太多了。你是不是喝酒上癮了?

I did drink a lot of coffee when I was younger, But I have noticed the health benefits since I quit. - 我在年輕時確實喝過很多咖啡,但我發覺戒了咖啡後身體健康多了。

Your meal will soon be served, please enjoy a drink first. - 你們的菜很快就上,請先喝杯飲料。

Don't drink then drive. - 不要酒後開車。

Don't drink too much tonight, I don't want to see you get drunk. - 晚上別喝太多酒,我不想看到你喝醉。

Make sure you drink plenty to stave-off dehydration. - 記得喝多點水才不至於虛脫。

Don't drink the tap water. - 別喝自來水。

Great. Then we can drink beer together. - 棒極了,我們可以一起喝啤酒了。

The doctor advised me to drink plenty of water. - 醫生勸我要多喝水。

My drink is cool and refreshing. - 我的飲料冰涼清爽。

We'll drink your health. - 我們為您的健康乾杯。

We can't drink so much. - 我們不能喝那麼多。

A man cannot whistle and drink at he same time. - 一心不能二用。

Eat at pleasure, drink with measure. - 隨意吃飯,適度飲酒。

Those who eat best and drink best often do worst. - 吃得好喝得好的人往往幹得最糟。

Walk groundly; talk profoundly; drink roundly; sleep soundly. - 行路踏實,言談深刻,飲酒豪爽,睡眠酣暢。

How about a drink tonight? - 今晚喝一杯怎樣?

In the afternoon, she usually sees her friends.They often drink tea together. - 下午,她總是會見她的朋友。她們經常在一起喝茶。

She will have something to drink but she will not eat any solid food. - 她將喝些飲料,但不吃固體食物。

Refuse politely any cold drink from an unknown source. - 應謝絕任何不明來源的冷飲。

And we can have a drink of orange, too! - 我們還可以喝杯橘子汁。

Would you like a drink ? - 你們想喝點什麼嗎?

Can I get a drink ? - 我給你拿點飲料好嗎?

We visited the Great Wall. We went there by bus. We all took some food and drink with us. - 我們參觀了長城。我們是坐車去的。我們每人都自備一些食物和飲料。

The group of girls all moved on and had a good drink of tea together, from a modern thermos! - 這一群女孩一塊兒去享受了一番茶水。她們用得是現代的熱水瓶!

Can we go and have a drink after that? - 種完這棵樹後我們能去喝點水嗎?

Now let's drink to the success of your school! - 現在,咱們為你辦學成功,乾杯!


whey soy drink mix - 乳清大豆混合飲料

forbid to drink wine - 不准喝酒

dextrose tolerance test; glucosetolerancetest; gtt; sugar drink test - 葡萄糖耐量試驗


n.水合氯醛飽飲料 - chloral hydrate drink

n.清涼飲料 - cold drink

酒害 - curse of drink

n.煎水代茶飲 - drugs to be decocted and taken as a drink

n.不准喝酒 - forbid to drink wine

n.煩渴喜冷 - polydipsia and prefference for cold drink

n.烈性酒 - strong drink

n.葡萄糖耐量試驗 - sugar drink test

n.煎水代茶飲 - to be decocted and taken as a drink

n.乳清大豆混合飲料 - whey soy drink mix


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