bailer['beilə]n. 水斗;舀船艙水的人
bailer 抽泥筒;泥漿泵;委託人;撈砂筒;bailer dump 撈砂筒撈出物;用筒裝物體倒入井內;撈砂筒的倒砂門;撈砂筒的倒砂門 / 用筒裝物體倒入井內 / 撈砂筒撈出物;bailer bail 撈砂筒上的提環;hydrostatic bailer 水力撈砂器;automatic bailer 自動排水裝置;船底放水器;
1.The most influent factors of the look of the face are related to tusk prominence, bailer, and lip. 暴牙、虎牙、戽斗、唇突是最會影響臉部外觀的因素。
2.In high speed offset printing, unstable performance of bailer has adverse effect on the quality of presswork. 在高速膠印生產中,水斗液的性能不穩定對印刷品的質量產生不良影響。
3.Trust is that the bailee manager and disposes the property entrusted by the bailer in the interests of the beneficiary or for some specific d purpose. 信託是指受托人接受委託人的委託,為受益人的利益或某種特定目的,對於委託人委託的財產權進行管理和處分。