exceptive[ik'sep tiv]adj. 例外的,特殊的;優越的;吹毛求疵的
exceptive 例外的;例外的,特殊的;例外;exceptive warranty 除外擔保;exceptive proposition 除外命題;exceptional exceptive 例外的;exceptive admission 破格錄取;
1.In the end, some techniques are given to deal with the exceptive case when selecting the vendors. 最後給出了在應用該方法進行供應商選擇時 ,一些特殊情形的處理方法。
2.Pledge was an exceptive phenomenon in social life of Pre-Qin which was a true reflection of the drastic social changes and the shift in ideas of that time. 「盟誓」是先秦時期社會生活中特殊的現象,反映了先秦時期人們思想觀念的變化,是這一時期社會激烈變革的真實寫照。
3.At the same time, according to the exceptive requirement of customers, the company is able to promote special laser and optics system, and also supply the particular laser system with batch quantity. 同時,公司可以根據用戶的特殊要求,設計加工專用激光器及光學系統,也可以提供激光系統特殊用途產品的批量供應。