n. freshman
fresher['freʃə]n. 新鮮人;大學一年級新生
fresher 大學新生;新鮮人;大學一年級學生;大學一年級新生, 新鮮人;Fresher Green 新綠;Now that the air is fresher 空氣漸已清新,;Algorithm research of program control in an intelligent air fresher 智能空氣清新器控制軟件算法研究;Application of multi-sensor information fusion technology for design of an intelligent air fresher device 研究論文] 多傳感器信息融合技術在智能空氣淨化裝置中的應用;
1.He has a wider and fresher firsthand knowledge of many things. 他具有許多事物的更廣泛和更新穎的第一手知識。
2.It means one then has to work like a dog to catch up, and that one may have a fresher way of doing things. 這意味著,一私人為了趕上別人,就不得不像條狗那樣搏命工作,做事時也可能會另闢蹊徑。
3.But European bankers were newer to the joys of private equity lending in the recent boom and the scars are evidently still fresher. 但歐洲的銀行家在最近的繁榮中才品嚐到私人股本信貸的甜頭,他們的傷口也明顯要新得多。