IDSabbr. 標識部分(Identification Section)
IDS Intrusion Detection System;Integrated Data Store;入侵監測系統;Intelligent Dustproof System;IDS IntelligentDisplaySystem 智能顯示系統;IDS IntegratedDeliverySystem 綜合發送系統;IDS InformationDisplaySystem 信息顯示系統;IDS idSoftwareInc 艾迪軟件公司(美國,出品遊戲軟件);
1.This access is usually accomplished through passwords, user IDs, and other application-level security. 這存取通常透過密碼、使用者ID和其他應用層安全方法。
2.Define menu IDs for use in the window procedure. These values MUST be identical to those defined in the resource file. 定義在窗口過程中使用的菜單項ID值。這些值必須同定義在資源文件中的值一樣。
3.IDS is the second security gate behind the firewall, and it is also the important part of network security protection architecture. 入侵檢測系統是防火牆後的第二道安全閘門,是網絡安全防護體系結構的重要組成部分。