inon. 進氣閥打開
INO 進氣閥打開;伊諾;一氧化氮;間接賓語;Incsitol INO 肌醇;INO Akiko 井野亞季子;INO MANABU 豬野 學=豬野 學;Inositol INO 肌醇;
1.The re are many more mas terpieces of literature, not to mention mas terpieces ino ther fields. 文學方面還有很多的名著,更別提其他領域的名著了。
2.After and married Ino, a wicked woman, received all the cruel treatment that a stepmother could devise, At one time the kingdom was ruined by a famine. 當國王離開第一個妻子和一個名叫伊諾的壞女人結婚後,兩個孩子受到後母殘忍虐待,整個王國也受襲。
3.Ino persuaded her credulous husband into believing that his son, Phrixus, was the actual cause of the disaster, and should be sacrificed to Zeus to end it. 伊諾在愛輕信的丈夫耳邊進讒言,終於使國王相信:他的兒子法瑞克斯是這次災害的罪魁禍首,並要將他獻給宙斯以結束瘟疫。