Josetten. 喬賽特(男子名)
Josette 空賊女(中文怎麼翻也忘了);Josette Peyrard 約塞特·佩拉爾;Josette Shiner 級官員約賽特·雪耐;Josette Capua 喬絲特·卡普亞;
1.Executive Director Josette Sheeran says this is the first time her agency will buy a large amount of food from small-scale farmers. 執行主任喬塞特希蘭說,這是第一次她的機構將購買大量的食物,小規模農民。
2.In the Philippines, high school science teacher Josette Biyo has gotten students excited about science by using the country's rich natural environment. 菲律賓的高中理科老師約塞特。比約利用該國豐富的自然環境,讓學生對自然學科興奮不已。
3.Josette Sheeran, the head of the United Nations World Food Program says that many of the world's poorest people cannot buy food because of soaring prices. 聯合國世界糧食計劃署負責人約瑟特.施林說,很多世界上最貧困的人都由于飛漲的物價而買不起糧食。