Liparis 羊耳蘭屬;羊耳蒜屬;獅子魚屬;羊耳蘭;Liparis japonica 羊耳蒜;羊耳蒜 帶根全草;長穗羊耳蒜;Liparis grossa 恆春羊耳蒜;紅鈴蟲蘭;Liparis campylostalix 彎柱羊耳蒜;齒唇羊耳蒜;Liparis caespitosa 叢生羊耳蒜;小花羊耳蒜;
1.an orchid of the genus Liparis having a pair of leaves. 羊耳蒜屬具有對生葉的一種蘭花。
2.an orchid of the genus Liparis having few leaves and usually fairly small yellow-green or dull purple flowers in terminal racemes. 羊耳蒜屬蘭花的任何一種,葉稀少,有預生總狀花序,花較小,黃綠色或暗紫色。
3.Any of numerous small terrestrial orchids of the genera Liparis and Listera, having usually two basal leaves and a terminal cluster of greenish or purplish flowers. 羊耳蒜,雙葉蘭:多種羊耳蘭和葉蘭屬的小型陸生蘭花中的一種,通常有一對葉片,頂端有一簇發綠或發紫色的花。