Niceneadj. 小亞細亞舊都尼西亞的
Nicene 尼西亞;小亞細亞舊都尼西亞的;奈西亞;Nicene Creed 尼西亞信經;奈西亞信經;尼吉亞信經;Ante-Nicene 奈西亞前期;The Nicene Creed 尼西亞信經;尼西亞信經;亞信經;Pro-Nicene Theology 尼西亞派神學家;
1.The Apostles' Creed and Nicene Creed both refer to Mary as "the Virgin Mary". 使徒信經和尼西亞信經提及到瑪麗亞是「童貞女瑪麗亞」。
2.He it was who summoned the Second Ecumenical Council, this time at Constantinople in 381, where the Nicene Greed, the standard of orthodoxy, was drawn up in its final form. 他召集了第二次全基督教大會,這次會議於381年在君士坦丁堡召開,會議期間擬定了最終的尼西亞信經——正統派的標準。
3.The ecumenical councils of the church, especially the first four (Nicene Council and the Chalcedon Council, etc. ), made decisions on the Christian faith which Protestants accept. 早期教會的大公會議﹕基督教承認頭四個會議的決定,尤其是《尼西亞信經》等。