shooed[ʃu:]vt. 發出噓聲將…趕走vi. 發出噓聲趕走int. 噓(趕走鳥等時所發聲音)
1.We shooed them away and went back to bed. 我們將它們趕走後,就回去睡覺了。
2.After the reverberation room is built, it is shooed by acoustical measurement that every tales is satisfying or better than of the national standard. 測量表明,建成完工後的混響宣在聲學萬面的各項指標均滿足或優於國家標準的要求。
3.Silly Sally swiftly shooed seven silly sheep. The seven silly sheep Silly Sally shooed shilly-shallied south. These sheep shouldn't sleep in a shack; sheep should sleep in a shed. 笨塞利很快的趕走了七隻笨羊,塞利趕走的七隻笨羊慢慢的超南走,這些羊不應該關在小屋裡,而應該關在棚子裡。