





ticket chopper ticket punch ticket stamping machine 軋票機;ticket chopper ticket punch ticket stamping machine 軋票機;ticket chopper ticket punch ticket stamping machine 軋票機;coupon ticket excursion ticket 優待票;day ticket return round trip ticket 來回票;


1.The process that buys a piece of ticket by the car in those days buys the process of a ticket namely, the process of carry out ticket matches the course of the ticket namely. 那時乘車買一張票的過程就是買一套票的過程 ,售票的過程就是配票的過程。

2.Offer airplane ticket (including domestic and international ticket, and bargain price ticket) and train ticket reservation, and hotel accommodation reservation. 提供機票(國際機票、國內機票、特價機票),火車票預訂,住宿酒店預訂等服務。

3.Long Asuncion ticket to fly to Beijing are applicable toe-ticket votes out of the way. 龍都北京飛往亞松森機票可適用電子客票方式出票。

4.Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Christchurch on SQ (E-Ticket). 新加坡航空公司來回香港至奧克蘭經濟客位機票(電子機票)。

5.Roundtrip Economy class air ticket between Hong Kong and ChristChurch on NZ (E-Ticket) . 紐西蘭航空公司來回香港至基督城經濟客位機票乙張(電子機票)。


Yes. When you get on the transfer bus, just show the bus driver this ticket stub. - 要。當你上了轉乘的公共汽車時,就把這張票根給司機看。

I want to buy a sleeper ticket to New York. - 我想買張到紐約的臥鋪票。

How much does a return ticket cost? - 返程票多少錢?

Where's the ticket counter? - 售票處在哪兒?

Here's my ticket and seat assignment. - 這是我的機票和座位號。

How much does a round trip ticket to go there cost? - 一張去那邊的往返票要多少錢?

How much for a one-way ticket to New York? - 去紐約的單程票多少錢?

I'll need an economy ticket with an open return. - 我要一張經濟艙,回來時間不定的來回票。

I'd like to change this ticket to the first class. - 我想把這張票換成頭等車。

I'll pick up ticket at the airport counter. - 我會在機場櫃檯拿機票。

How much for a one-way ticket to shanghai? - 去上海的單程票多少錢?

How much does a round trip ticket to go there cost? - 一張去那邊的往返票要多少錢?

Can I have a second-class one way ticket to Chicago,please? - 請給我一張去芝加哥的單程二等票好嗎?

Where is the ticket office? - 售票處在哪兒?

How long is the ticket valid? - 這車票有效期多久?

Why isn't this ticket any good here? - 為什麼這裡不可以使用月票?

Could you tell me where is the ticket office? - 你能不能告訴我售票處在哪裡?

How much is a one-way ticket to Beijing? - 一張到北京的單程票要多少錢?

How much is a round-trip ticket to Beijing? - 一張到北京的來回票要多少錢?

This is a ticket stub. - 這是一張票根。

I hurried to the ticket office. - 我匆匆趕到售票處,

Just then, a man hurried to the ticket office. - 正在這時,一個男子匆匆奔向售票處。

I went back to the ticket office at once. - 我馬上又回到售票處。

The normal price of a ticket is $2,000! - 而正常票價是2,000英鎊!

If you are lucky enough to get a sleeper, you spend half the night staring at the small blue light in the ceiling, or fumbling to find you ticket for inspection. - 即使你走運弄到一個臥鋪,夜間有一半時間你會盯著車頂那盞小藍燈而睡不著覺;要不然就為查票摸索你的車票。

Tickets, please. May I see your ticket please, madam? - 請出示車票。夫人,請問我可以看看你的車票嗎?

You'd better hurry and buy a ticket then. It'll be very popular. - 那你最好趕緊買張票吧!他的音樂會是很受歡迎的。


診察券 - consultation ticket

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