flower-like 像花似的;Blossom Flower-like 女性英文名字 英格蘭;flower-like ending 花狀末梢;Waving so flower-like 當風吹拂時,;微風吹拂,;隨風舞動,;ice-flower-like structure 冰花狀組織,冰花狀結枸;冰花狀組織 (責任編輯:機械吧);
1."But we heard it, " insisted Daisy, surprising me by opening up again in a flower-like way. 「可是我們聽說了。」黛西堅持說,使我感到驚訝的是她又像花朵一樣綻開了。
2.Let me send you a song of greeting on the flower-like day, flower-like season, and flower-like age:"Happy Birthday! Happy Every Day!" 花一般的季節,花一般的年齡,讓我在這花一般的日子裡,給你捎去祝福的歌:「生日快樂,天天快樂!」
3.Through internal experiment, the paper made a comparative research to large flower-like honeysuckle flower and certified honeysuckle in different metropolis firstly. 通過體內實驗,首次對灰氈毛忍冬和不同產地的正品金銀花進行抗菌作用的比較研究。