HECabbr. 港口進入管制(Harbour Entry Control)
HEC 羥乙基纖維素;Hautes Etudes Commerciales;Head Error Control;Hybrid Error Correction;HEC Paris 巴黎高等商學院;法國巴黎高等商學院;巴黎高商;商學院;HEC Montreal 商學院;蒙特利爾大學管理學院;HEC polymer 羥乙基纖維素聚合物;Doctorat HEC 高商博士生院;
1.Water miscible hydroxyethyl cellulose(HEC) was modified to increase its fat-solubility by reacting with hexamethyldisilazan. 通過羥乙基纖維素(HEC)與六甲基二硅胺烷的反應,對水溶性物質HEC三甲基硅化改性,以改善其脂溶性。
2.HEC is non-ionic, white or light yellow, fibrous and powder solid. Odorlessness and non-toxic, it is dissolved in cold and hot water easily. 羥乙基纖維素(HEC)屬於非離子型纖維素醚,是一種白色或淡黃色的纖維狀或粉末狀固體,無味無毒。
3.This paper introduces the technology of using bolt tensioning cylinder to press stator core of 200MW and 300MW turbogenerators manufactured by HEC. 介紹哈爾濱電機廠有限責任公司生產的200MW和300MW汽輪發電機,使用液壓拉伸器壓緊定子鐵心的工藝過程,及其所帶來的潛在的經濟效益。