ligament['liɡəmənt]n. 韌帶;紐帶,繫帶
ligament 韌帶;紐帶;燈絲;管間隙;periodontal ligament 牙周韌帶;牙周膜;ligament efficiency 孔帶係數;孔橋減弱係數;ligament pearl 長異形珍珠;韌帶珍珠:指在產珠軟體動物韌帶處生長的天然珍珠,多為長條異形,富含介殼質,色深;sacrospinous ligament 骶棘韌帶;
1.The moment he knew it was the cruciate ligament he was down but he is a positive guy. 當他知道自己十字韌帶受傷的時候有點壓抑,但是他可是一個樂觀的傢伙。
2.Then, too, Bryant has played the last few weeks with a torn ligament in his right pinkie that needs surgery. 接著,還有,科比在上幾周帶著他那本應該做手術的韌帶撕裂的右小指堅持進行比賽。
3.Interwoven as is the love of liberty with every ligament of your hearts, no recommendation of mine is necessary to fortify or confirm the attachment. 交織在一起的是愛自由的每韌帶你們的心中,沒有地雷的建議是必要的加固或確認該附件。
cardinal ligament of uterus - 主韌帶
hunters ligament; round ligament of uterus - 亨特氏韌帶
ligamentum suspensorium ovarii; suspensory ligament of ovary - 卵巢懸韌帶
campers ligament; campersligament; canpbells ligament; suspensory ligament of axilla - 坎貝爾氏韌帶
ligamentum teres uteri; round ligament of uterus - 子宮圓韌帶
broad ligament of uterus; ligamentum latum uteri - 子宮闊韌帶
ligamentum vestibulare; ventricular ligament of larynx - 室韌帶
cruciform ligament of atlas; ligamentum cruciforme atlantis - 寰樞十字韌帶
ligamentum transversum atlantis; transverse ligament of atlas - 寰椎橫韌帶
cruciate ligament of leg; ligamentum cruciatum cruris - 小腿十字韌帶
nervus interosseus cruris; transverse ligament of leg - 小腿橫韌帶
inguinal ligament; ligament inguinale; pouparts ligament - 普帕爾氏韌帶
apparatus suspensorius lentis; ciliary zonule; ciliaryzonule; suspensory ligament of lens - 晶狀體懸帶
supraspinal ligament injury - 棘上韌帶損傷
injury of interspinal ligament; interspinal ligament injury - 棘間韌帶損傷
ligament of treitz; suspensory muscle of duodenum - 特賴茨氏韌帶
lateral ligament of rectum - 直腸側韌帶
ligmentum incudis superius; superior ligament of incus - 砧骨上韌帶
ligamentum incudis superius; posterior ligament of incus - 砧骨後韌帶
arcuate ligament of pubis; ligamentum arcuatum pubis - 恥骨弓狀韌帶
intraarticular ligament of head of rib - 肋關關節內韌帶
ligamentum capitis costae崑radiatum; radiate ligament of head of rib - 肋頭輻狀韌帶
rupture of medial collateral ligament of elbow - 肘內側韌帶斷裂
ligament of liver; ligamentum coronarium hepatis - 肝冠狀韌帶
ligamentum triangulare dextrum hepatis; right triangular ligament of liver - 肝右三角韌帶
lefft triangular ligament of liver; ligamentum triangulare sinistrum hepatis - 肝左三角韌帶
falciform ligament of liver; ligamentum falciforme hepatis - 肝鐮狀韌帶
ligament of head of femur; ligamenta capitis femoris - 股骨頭韌帶
superior transverse ligament of scapula - 肩胛上橫韌帶
inferior transvers ligament of scapula; ligamentum transversu scapulae inferus - 肩胛下橫韌帶
suspensory ligament of axilla - 腋窩懸韌帶
anterior cruciate ligament of knee; ligamentum cruciatum anterius - 膝前交叉韌帶
ligamentum cruciatum posterius; posterior cruciate ligament of knee - 膝後交叉韌帶
ligamentum transversum genus; transverse ligament of knee - 膝橫韌帶
ligamentum pectinatum iridis; pectinate ligament of iris - 虹膜核狀韌帶
pectinate ligament of iridocorneal angle - 虹膜角膜梳狀韌帶
huecks ligament; pectinate ligament of iris; pectinate ligament of irisdocorneal angle - 許克氏韌帶
ligament injuries of ankle joint - 踝關節韌帶損傷
ligamentum mallei superius; superior ligament of malleus - 錘骨上韌帶
anterior ligament of malleus; ligamentum mallei anterius - 錘骨前韌帶
lateral ligament of malleus; ligamentum mallei laterale - 錘骨外側韌帶
ligamentum suspensorium penis; suspensory ligament of penis - 陰莖懸韌帶
fundiform ligament of penis; ligamentum fundiforme penis - 陰莖袢狀韌帶
inferior ligament of epididymis; ligamentum epidymidis inferius - 附睪下韌帶
venous ligament of liver - 靜脈韌帶
ligament elongation - 韌帶展長
ligament injury - 韌帶損傷
n.肩鎖韌帶 - acromioclavicular ligament
n.急性韌帶扭傷 - acute sprain of ligament
n.卵巢圓韌帶腺肌瘤 - adenomyoma of ovarian round ligament
環狀韌帶 - annular ligament
n.肛尾韌帶 - anococcygeal ligament
n.耳郭前韌帶 - anterior auricular ligament
n.前十字韌帶 - anterior cruciate ligament
n.膝前交叉韌帶 - anterior cruciate ligament of knee
腓骨頭前韌帶 - anterior ligament of head of fibula
n.錘骨前韌帶 - anterior ligament of malleus
n.前縱韌帶 - anterior longitudinal ligament
頸椎前縱韌帶 - anterior longitudinal ligament of cervical vertebrae
n.板股前韌帶 - anterior meniscofemoral ligament
骶髂前韌帶 - anterior sacroiliac ligament
胸鎖前韌帶 - anterior sternoclavicular ligament
n.距腓前韌帶 - anterior talofibular ligament
前脛腓韌帶 - anterior tibiofibular ligament
前十字韌帶 - anterocrucial ligament
環狀韌帶,環韌帶 - anular ligament
n.齒突尖韌帶 - apical dental ligament
n.闌尾卵巢韌帶 - appendiculoovarian ligament
n.阿朗希烏斯氏韌帶 - arantius ligament
n.恥骨弓狀韌帶 - arcuate ligament of pubis
n.國弓狀韌帶 - arcuate popliteal ligament
動脈條索 - arterial ligament
圓韌帶動脈 - artery of the round ligament
n.巴爾科夫氏韌帶 - barkows ligament
n.貝利尼氏韌帶 - bellinis ligament
n.貝利尼氏韌帶 - bellkinis ligament
n.貝坦氏韌帶,貝坦氏柱 - bertins ligament
n.分歧韌帶 - bifurcate ligament
分歧韌帶 - bifurcated ligament
n.比吉洛氏韌帶 - bigelows ligament
闊韌帶 - broad ligament
子宮闊韌帶 - broad ligament of the uterus
n.子宮闊韌帶 - broad ligament of uterus
n.跟骰韌帶 - calcaneocuboid ligament
n.跟骰內側韌帶 - calcaneocuboid medial ligament
n.跟腓韌帶 - calcaneofibular ligament
n.跟舟部,跟舟韌帶 - calcaneonavicular ligament
n.跟脛韌帶 - calcaneotibial ligament
n.內側副韌帶鈣化 - calciffication of medial accessory ligament
n.坎貝爾氏韌帶,坎珠爾氏韌帶 - campers ligament
n.坎貝爾氏韌帶 - canpbells ligament
n.囊韌帶 - capsular ligament
n.主韌帶 - cardinal ligament
n.主韌帶 - cardinal ligament of uterus
n.克拉多氏韌帶 - clados ligament
副韌帶 - collateral ligament
n.尺側副韌帶 - collateral ulnar ligament