OBR OS Boot Record;瘦蛋白受體;操作系統引導扇區;瘦素受體;OBR OpticalBandPassFilters 光學帶通濾波器;OBR OpticalBypassRelay 光學旁路中繼;OBR OutBoardRecorder 外部記錄器;zi obr 辰砂;
1.Order Detail Segment One of several segments that can carry order information. Examples are OBR and RXO. 醫囑明細區段能傳達醫囑資訊的區段。例如OBR和RXO。
2.Results OBR positive cells distributed as clump in hypothalamus ME, ARC and VMN, having obscure boundary. 結果在下丘腦的ME、ARC和VMN,觀察到OBR陽性細胞聚集成團,細胞邊界不清楚。
3.OBR positive cells were also present in choroid plexus, brain ependymal layer cell and vascular endothelial cells. OBR陽性細胞表達於脈絡叢、腦室管膜內皮細胞和腦血管內皮細胞;