





n. inadequacy ,insufficiency ,lack ,want


n. adequacy ,sufficiency


deficiency[di'fiʃənsi]n. 缺陷,缺點;缺乏;不足的數額


deficiency 損失、缺陷;缺乏,缺損,缺陷;不足;虧絀;deficiency claim 損失索賠;vitamin deficiency 維生素缺乏;維生素缺乏症;維生素缺乏;constructional deficiency 施工缺陷;deficiency grant 不敷補助金;不敷補助金 財經;補足津貼 教育;


1.On the contrary, cadmium contamination induces iron deficiency in plants. 相反,鎘污染將誘導植物的鐵營養缺乏。

2.The more alcohol that people with this deficiency drink, the greater their risk. 有這種缺乏的人喝酒越多,越加大罹患食道癌的風險。

3.Potential calcium deficiency symptoms may be more likely when the phosphorus intake is very high. 鈣缺乏症狀可能是更有可能的潛在性當磷吸入非常高的時候。


cold and feebleness in the triple heater; cold syndromes of deficiency type - 三焦虛寒

excess in the upper and deficiency in the lower - 上實下虛

deficiency in teh upper and excess in the lower; deficiency in the upper and excess in the lower - 上虛下實

deficiency of qi in middle-jiao; deficiency of qi inmiddle jiao; failue of middle-warmer energy - 中氣不足

deficiency syndrome of the five zang-organs - 五虛

general deficiency of qi - 體弱氣虛

deficiency of humoral immunity - 體液免疫缺乏症

isolated acth deficiency syndrome - 促腎上腺皮質激素單獨缺乏綜合征

immunologic deficiency syndrome - 免疫缺乏綜合征

immune deficiency state; immunity deficiency state - 免疫缺陷狀態

immunologic deficiency disease - 免疫缺陷病

congenital immunodeficiency syndrome; immunologic deficiency syndrome - 免疫缺陷綜合征

cold and deficiency of chong and ren channels - 沖任虛寒

deficiency of coagulation factors - 凝血因子缺乏

sunken fontanelle is deficiency syndrome - 前囟陷下屬虛證

appearance of deficiency in extreme excess - 大實有羸狀

appearance of deficiency in extreme excess - 大實有贏狀

deficiency of fluid in large intestine - 大腸液虧

upward floating of yang in deficiency condition - 孤陽上越

deficeincy of qi; deficiency of qi - 少氣

deficiency of heart-energy; exuberance of the heart-qi; insufficiency of the heart-qi - 心氣虛

deficiency syndromes of the heart - 心虛

deficiency syndromes of the heart - 心虛證

deficiency of the cardiac blood; deficiency of the heart blood - 心血虛

sleepessness due to deficiency of the heart blood - 心血虛不得臥

deficiency of the heart-yin; deficiency of yin of the heart - 心陰虛

antibody deficiency syndrome - 抗體不足綜合征

antibody deficiency syndrome - 抗體缺乏綜合征

early iron deficiency anemia - 早期缺鐵性貧血

amentia; mental defect; mental deficiency amentia - 智力缺陷

excess in orgin and deficiency in superficiality - 本實標虛

deficiency in origin and excess in superficiality - 本虛標實

fright due to deficiency of qi - 氣怯

deficiency of trachea - 氣管闕如

deficiency of qi; qi deficiency - 氣虛

deficiency of qi resulting in cold-syndrome - 氣虛則寒

dyspnea due to deficiency of qi - 氣虛喘

threatened abortion due to deficiency of qi - 氣虛滑胎

arthralgia due to deficiency of qi - 氣虛痺

flaccidity of limbs due to deficiency of qi - 氣虛痿

deafness due to deficiency of vital energy - 氣虛耳聾

deficiency of qi and bloo; deficiency of qi and blood - 氣血不足

deficiency of qi and blood type - 氣血不足型

deficiency of both qi and blood - 氣血兩虧

deficiency of both qi and blood - 氣血兩虛

dysmenorhea due to deficiency of qi and blood - 氣血虛弱痛經

deficiency of both qi and yin; deficiency of both the vital energy and yin - 氣陰兩虛

deficiency of both qi and yin - 氣陰兩虛傷

deficiency offluid - 液虧

electrolyte deficiency syndrome - 電解質缺乏綜合征


n.血虛腹痛 - abdominal pain due to deficiency of blood

n.酸性麥芽糖酶缺乏症 - acid maltase deficiency

n.獲得性凝血因子缺乏 - acquired coagulation factor deficiency

腺甘酸脫氨酶缺乏症 - adenosine deaminase deficiency

n.腺甘酸激酶缺乏 - adenylate kinase deficiency

營養缺乏,營養不良 - alimentary deficiency

n.腎虛經閉 - amenorrhea due to the kidney deficiency

n.血虧閉經 - amenorrhoea due to deficiency of blood

n.抗血友病性蛋白缺乏症 - anti-hemophilic globulin deficiency

n.抗體不足綜合征,抗體缺乏綜合征 - antibody deficiency syndrome

n.抗胰蛋白酶缺乏 - antitrypsin deficiency

n.虛中 - apoplexy of deficiency type

n.大實有贏狀 - appearance of deficiency in extreme excess

n.大實有羸狀 - appearance of deficiency in extreme excess

精氨酸酶缺乏症 - arginase deficiency

n.氣虛痺 - arthralgia due to deficiency of qi

n.血虛痺 - arthropathy due to deficiency of blood

n.抗壞血酸缺乏 - ascorbic acid deficiency

n.鹼缺乏 - basal deficiency

生物素缺乏症 - biotin deficiency

n.血虛肝旺 - blood deficiency and hyperactivity of the liver

n.鈣質缺乏 - calcium deficiency

n.毛細血管血液灌流不足 - capillary perfusion deficiency

細胞介導免疫缺陷綜合征,細胞介導鳳缺損綜合征 - cell-mediated immunity deficiency syndrome

n.細胞免疫缺陷 - cellular immunity deficiency

n.細胞巨大性包涵體病 - cellular immunity deficiency syndrome

膽固醇酰基轉移酶缺乏 - cholesterol acyltransferase deficiency

n.染色體缺失 - chromosomal deficiency

n.凝固因子缺乏,因子缺乏 - coagulation factor deficiency

n.沖任虛寒 - cold and deficiency of chong and ren channels

n.寒痢 - cold due to deficiency

n.三焦虛寒 - cold syndromes of deficiency type

n.結合錫疫缺乏 - combined immunity deficiency

n.普通可變性免疫缺陷 - common various immune deficiency

補體缺陷 - complement deficiency

n.補體缺陷病 - complement deficiency disease

先天性11因子缺乏 - congenital 11 factor deficiency

先天性9因子缺乏 - congenital 9 factor deficiency

n.先天性丙種球蛋白缺乏症 - congenital globulin deficiency

先天性IX因子缺乏症 - congenital IX factor deficiency

n.先天性胰脂酶缺乏 - congenital pancreatic lipase deficiency

先天性XI因子缺乏症,先天性XI因子缺乏 - congenital XI factor deficiency

黃體機能不全綜合症 - corpus luteum deficiency syndrome

n.血虛耳聾 - deafness due to deficiency of blood

n.氣虛耳聾 - deafness due to deficiency of vital energy

n.陰虛耳聾 - deafness due to yin deficiency

n.虛聾 - deafness of deficiency type

n.脫碘酶缺乏 - deiodinase deficiency

營養缺乏,飲食缺陷 - dietary deficiency

n.虛瀉 - diarrhea of deficiency type


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