evangelisation[i,vændʒə-lai'zeiʃən; -li'z-]n.evangelise的變形vt.,vi.[主英國英語] = evangelize變形: evangelised , evangelising
1.Every time that Christopheria was mentioned, images of imperialism, evangelisation and massacre might spring to uneasy minds. 每每提到克裡斯托弗利亞,帝國主義、傳福音、大屠殺的畫面就會浮現,令人心神不安。
2.The next year, he upset indigenous Latin Americans by saying that their evangelisation was not the "imposition of a foreign culture". 2007年,他說傳播福音並非「將一種外來文化強加給本地」,又惹惱了拉美土著。
3.Above all the invitation of Benedict XVI to the Salesians, on the occasion of their 26th General Chapter, to consider evangelisation the main and priority frontier for their mission. 教宗本篤十六世邀請所有慈幼會會士,在26屆全代會的機會上,考慮將褔傳成為他們使命裡主要及首選的前線工作。