fadedly[feid; fad]adv.fade的變形vi. 褪色,(顏色)褪去;(光澤)失去,變暗淡: 例句:The blue rug has faded over years.藍色的地毯多年後已經褪色了。Coloured cloth often fades when it is washed.染色的布洗後通常要掉色。枯萎;凋謝;衰弱,疲憊,變衰頹: 例句:The roses faded after three days.三天後玫瑰枯萎了。She became ill and slowly faded away.她生病了,並慢慢衰弱下去。消逝,(逐漸)消失;變弱: 例句:The light faded as the sun went down.太陽落山後光線變弱了。All memory of the childhood faded from her mind.她兒時的記憶從她腦海中逐漸消失。(汽車制動蹄片)制動失效【高爾夫球】變直線球為曲線球【無線電、電影、電視】(圖像)衰減,減弱,逐漸消失,漸淡,變淡【橄欖球】(四分衛)從中區線後退[美國俚語]跑掉,離開: 例句:You can fade away and the sergeant and I will take over.你可以離開了,軍士和我會接管的。[俚語]接受(對方的打賭)vt. 使褪色;使枯萎;使衰弱: 例句:Sunlight faded the tapestry.陽光曬得掛毯褪了色。[美國俚語](出同額賭注)接受(對方打賭)[擲骰子賭博者用語]【無線電、電影】使(畫面)漸顯或漸隱,使淡入,使淡出(通常與 in或out連用)n. 【電影】淡入,淡出;(電影、電視亮度)漸暗,(電影、電視聲音)漸弱;(無線電)聲音漸弱(汽車制動蹄片的)逐漸喪失作用,衰退(brake fade)【高爾夫球】(球員打出的)控制弧線[美國俚語] 白人黑皮白心人,愛白人的黑人(喜歡結交白人朋友或尋求白人做伴侶的黑人)adj. 沒有滋味的,淡而無味的暗淡的,褪色的單調的,平淡的,乏味的近義詞: blanch , bleach , droop , decline , languish , pale , wither短語: do (或 take) a fade [俚語]離去,消失,溜走fade from the picture (或 scene) 斷絕關係;隱退:Don't fade from the scene just because you're no longer a member of the club committee.不要僅僅由於你不再是俱樂部委員會成員就隱退了。變形: faded , fading