applique handbag 貼花手提包;貼花手提袋;beaded handbag 串珠手提包;brocade handbag 錦緞手提包;buckskin handbag decorated with beads 麂皮點珠子手提包;painted goatskin handbag 羊皮描花手提包;
1.The Iwu Zhijian handbag factory located at the Zhejiang Dongyang, sells the handbag, the box package and so on. 義烏質堅手袋廠位於浙江 東陽市,主營 手袋、箱包 等。
2.Last night, Ah Mui was dressed elegantly, bareback and her skirt with a high slit, even her handbag was very unusual. 阿梅昨晚一身高貴打扮,穿上露肩高衩裙,連手袋亦好別緻。
3.Lady handbag of yellow, handle and brim show with braided hand body, let vanity have vernal flavor. 黃色的女士手提包,手柄和邊緣以編織的手法體現,讓手袋擁有了春天的氣息。
4.They chased the man, caught him and retrieved the handbag. 他們追趕那個人,抓住了他並拿回了手提包。
5.She foraged about in her handbag, but couldnt find her keys. 她翻遍了手提包,就是找不到鑰匙。
Her handbag goes with her clothes. - 她的手袋和她的衣服很搭配。
After the train had left the station, the lady opened her handbag and took to her power compact. - 火車開出車站後,那位婦女找開了手提包,拿出了粉盒。
She returned to the shop the following morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. - 第二天上午,她又來到這家商店,穿了一件裘皮大衣,一隻手拎著一隻手提包,另一隻手拿著一把長柄傘。
She felt inhere handbag for the piece of paper on which her father had written down al the details of the journey and gave it to the porter. - 她從錢包裡摸出一張紙條,那上面有她父親對這次旅行詳細說明,她把這張紙條交給了搬運工。