hyperplasia[,haipə'pleizjə]n. [醫]增生;畸形生長
hyperplasia 增生;畸形生長;增殖;過度增生;adenomatous hyperplasia 腺瘤樣增生;fibromuscular hyperplasia 纖維肌性增生;或肌纖維增生不良;adrenal hyperplasia 腎上腺增生;腎上腺增生;釋義:腎上腺增生;complex hyperplasia 復合增生;複雜性增生;複雜型增生過長;
1.About the problem of bone hyperplasia? 有關骨質增生的問題?
2.Cancer cell why can infinite hyperplasia? 癌細胞為什麼能無限增殖?
3.Objective: To evaluate the value of intracavity ultrasound in detecting hyperplasia of prostate. 目的:評價腔內超聲在檢測前列腺增生疾病中的價值。
hyperplasia of maxillary tuberosity - 上頜結節區增生
squamous cell atypical hyperplasia of cervix - 不典型子宮頸鱗狀上皮增生
cystic hyperplasia of breast - 乳腺囊性增生病
hyperplasia of mammary glands - 乳腺增生
hyperplasia of mammary glands - 乳腺組織增生
endometrial hyperplasia; hyperplasia endometrii - 內膜增生
hyperplasia of prostate - 前列腺增生
adenomatoid hyperplasia of prostate - 前列腺腺瘤樣增生
simple hyperplasia of lymphatic gland - 單純性淋巴結增生病
hyperplasia of ovary cortex - 卵巢皮質增生
hyperplasia of pheochromocyte - 嗜鉻細胞增生
hyperplasia of vulva - 外陰增生
atypical hyperplasia of vulva - 外陰非典型增生
adrenocortical hyperplasia in pregnancy - 妊娠期腎上腺皮質增生
atypical hyperplasia of endometrium - 子宮內膜不典型增生
pseudomalignant hyperplasia of endometrium - 子宮內膜假惡性增生
cystic hyperplasia of endometrium - 子宮內膜囊性增生
endometrial hyperplasia; hyperplasia endometrii - 子宮內膜增生
adenomatous hyperplasia of endometrium - 子宮內膜腺瘤樣增生
reserve cell hyperplasia of cervix uteri - 子宮頸儲備細胞增生
basal cell hyperplasia of cervix uteri - 子宮頸基底細胞增生
hyperplasia of cervix uteri - 子宮頸增生
adenomatous hyperplasia of cervix uteri - 子宮頸腺瘤性增生
atypical hyperplasia of uterine cervix; cervical dysplasia - 子宮頸非典型增生
squamous cell hyperplasia of cervix - 子宮頸鱗狀上皮增生
hyperplasia of sebaceous glands - 皮脂腺增生
hyperplasia fascialis ossificans - 筋膜骨化增生
hyperplasia of chorionic epithelium - 絨膜上皮細胞增生
hyperplasia of parotid gland - 肋腺增生
diffuse hyperplasia of adrenal cortex - 腎上腺皮質瀰漫性增生
hyperplasia of pancreatic islet b cells - 胰島B細胞增生
pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia of tougue - 舌假上皮瘤樣增生
hyperplasia of tunica vaginalis - 鞘膜細胞增殖
fibrous hyperplasia of bone - 骨纖維增生
fibrous hyperplasia of bone - 骨纖維異常增生殖症
hyperplasia of squamous epithelium - 鱗狀上皮增生
n.腎上腺皮質增生 - adrenocortical hyperplasia
n.妊娠期腎上腺皮質增生 - adrenocortical hyperplasia in pregnancy
n.腺囊性增殖 - adenoid cystic hyperplasia
n.前列腺腺瘤樣增生 - adenomatoid hyperplasia of prostate
腺瘤性增生 - adenomatous hyperplasia
n.子宮頸腺瘤性增生 - adenomatous hyperplasia of cervix uteri
n.子宮內膜腺瘤樣增生 - adenomatous hyperplasia of endometrium
n.脂肪組織增生 - adipose tissue hyperplasia
n.腎上腺皮質增生 - adrenal cortical hyperplasia
腎上腺增生 - adrenal hyperplasia
n.腎上腺髓質增生 - adrenal medullary hyperplasia
n.蜂窩織增生 - areolar hyperplasia
n.不典型增生 - atypical hyperplasia
n.子宮內膜不典型增生 - atypical hyperplasia of endometrium
n.子宮頸非典型增生 - atypical hyperplasia of uterine cervix
n.外陰非典型增生 - atypical hyperplasia of vulva
n.基底細胞增生 - basal cell hyperplasia
n.子宮頸基底細胞增生 - basal cell hyperplasia of cervix uteri
嗜鹼細胞增生 - basophilic hyperplasia
前列腺良性增生,良性前列腺肥大症 - benign prostatic hyperplasia
n.主細胞增多症 - chief cell hyperplasia
n.膠質增生 - collagenous hyperplasia
n.代償性增生 - compensatory hyperplasia
n.先天性腎上腺增生,先天性腎上腺增生症 - congenital adrenal hyperplasia
n.先天性腎上腺皮質增生症 - congenital adrenocortical hyperplasia
n.皮質基皮增生 - cortical stromal hyperplasia
n.肋軟骨增生 - costal cartilage hyperplasia
皮膚淋巴樣增生 - cutaneous lymphoid hyperplasia
囊性子宮內膜增生,子宮內膜囊泡狀增值 - cystic endometrial hyperplasia
n.囊性增生 - cystic hyperplasia
n.乳腺囊性增生病 - cystic hyperplasia of breast
n.子宮內膜囊性增生 - cystic hyperplasia of endometrium
n.腎上腺皮質瀰漫性增生 - diffuse hyperplasia of adrenal cortex
n.地侖丁牙齦纖維增生 - dilantin gingival fibrous hyperplasia
n.十二指腸腺體增殖 - duodenal glandular hyperplasia
n.宮頸管儲備細胞增生 - endocervical reserve cell hyperplasia
n.內膜增生,子宮內膜增生 - endometrial hyperplasia
嗜酸性細胞增生 - eosinophilic hyperplasia
n.上皮細胞增生 - epithelial hyperplasia
紅細胞系增生 - erythroid hyperplasia
纖維肌性增生 - fibromuscular hyperplasia
n.骨纖維異常增生殖症,骨纖維增生 - fibrous hyperplasia of bone
n.局灶性上皮增殖 - focal epithelial hyperplasia
n.灶性增生 - focal hyperplasia
n.局灶性結節性增生症 - focal nodular hyperplasia
濾泡增生 - follicular hyperplasia
n.胃淋巴樣增殖 - gastric lymphoid hyperplasia
巨人節過形成 - giant lymph node hyperplasia
n.牙齦增生 - gingival hyperplasia
n.特發性腎上腺增生症 - idiopathic adrenal hyperplasia