kwangjun. 光州(南朝鮮城市)
Kwangju 光州;州市;Kwangju University 光州大學;RKJJ KWANGJU 光州;Kwangju-Jikhalsi 光州市;Kwangju Art Biennial 光州雙年展;
1.That does not mean that the people of Kwangju are growing complacent or law enforcement agencies less vigilant. 這並不代表光州人民已志得意滿,也不代表執法當局放鬆了警戒心。
2.Kwangju incident in South Korea have been vindicated, but the Chinese authorities were always reluctant to face up to history! 南韓的光州事件都平反了,但總共當局總是不願意正視歷史!
3.And unlike in Seoul, where public sentiment was still inflamed by a massacre of protesters in Kwangju eight years earlier, there is no particular rallying cause in China today. 另外和漢城也不同——那裡的民眾依然對八年前在光州對抗議者的大屠殺群情激奮,現在的中國則沒有什麼可能引發抗議集會的原因。