With experience in enterprise inner audit or audit work experience in accountant firm 具有企業內部審計或會計師事務所審計工作經驗者;Supplier quality system Audit and production process Audit 負責對供應商的體系審核及生產流程審核工作;pre-plant herbicide pre-sowing herbicide 播前除草劑;pre-plant herbicide pre-sowing herbicide 播前除草劑;accountability audit 經濟責任審計;
1.Conducts the SA on-site audit as a member of audit team- performing audit procedures according to the SA on-site audit procedure. 作為審核小組成員,在主任審核員的指導下,依據公司審核程序進行現場審核工作;
2.n Conducts the SA on-site audit as a member of audit team- performing audit procedures according to the SA on-site audit procedure. 作為審核小組成員,在主任審核員的指導下,依據公司審核程序進行現場審核工作;
3.Audit culture is the ability and achievements the audit organizations and personnel acquire, accumulate, create and extend in audit practice. 審計文化是審計組織和人員在審計實踐中所獲得、積累、創造和延續的能力與成果。
4.Then, by analyzing the development of our government performance audit forerunner, Shenzhen audit bureau, this thesis anatomises the main obstacles of our government performance audit. 接著,通過對我國政府績效審計的先行者—深圳市審計局的績效審計發展進行分析,剖析我國政府績效審計存在的主要障礙。
5.Auditing model is a system of framework that includes audit objective, audit method and audit procedure, while it must meet the need of the economic situation. 審計模式是包含審計目標、審計方法、審計程序等要素集合的系統,審計模式需適應經濟環境具體情況的要求。