





Practices and Procedures Governing Bank to Bank Reimbursements under Letter of Credit 信用證下銀行對銀行歸償實務與程序的規定;bank-to-bank reimbursing arrangements 銀行間償付安排;bank note bank paper folding money lettuce paper currency shinplaster soft money 紙幣;bank note bank paper folding money lettuce paper currency shinplaster soft money 紙幣;bank note bank paper folding money lettuce paper currency shinplaster soft money 紙幣;


1.If the receiving bank is a bank in Hong Kong, please provide bank proof. Acceptable form of bank proof may be a bank book or bank statement. 如收款銀

2.Banks—Turn left at the gate to find Mincing Bank (CMBC), Agriculture Bank, ICBC, Bank of Communications and China Bank. 出門左轉:民生銀行、農業銀行、工商銀行、交通銀行、中國銀行。

3.Nominated bank means the bank with which the credit is available or any bank in the case of a credit available with any bank. 指定行是指信用證可以兌付的銀行;或者在信用證可以在任何銀行兌付時,指定行指任何銀行。 account management, registration date bank account, bank reconciliations, preparation of bank balance sheet adjustment; 銀行賬戶管理,登記銀行日記賬,銀行對賬,編製銀行存款餘額調節表;

5.Then it finds the best definition of investment bank and generalizes the operation scope of investment bank and finds the difference between the investment bank and the commercial bank . 而且概括出投資銀行的業務範圍,並比較了投資銀行與商業銀行的異同。接著概括出投資銀行的四大基本經濟功能即一、提供金融中介服務。


I need the bank to finance something. - 我需要銀行提供某件東西的貸款。

They defrauded the bank of $200,000. - 他們從銀行騙了20萬美元。

And a bank about a mortgage. - 還要和銀行談談貸款。

to talk to someone at the bank next week. - 下星期與銀行的人談一談。

the bank needs to be sure - 銀行需要確定

You can deposit the money into my bank account. - 你可以把錢存進我的銀行賬戶。

The bank canceled his loan and took back his car. - 銀行取消了他的貸款並收回了他的車。

I'm with the Bank of China. - 我在中國銀行工作。

Second, the bank called and told me I would have to keep up with my car payments or I might lose the car. - 其次銀行通知我得繼續支付小汽車的貸款,否則我將會失去小汽車。

And happy to know that the Bank of America has opened another branch in Shanghai. - 並且很高興地瞭解到美國銀行在上海又建立了一家分行。

No, You'll have to get off at the bank and take the A52. - 不去。你到銀行那一站就得下車,改乘A52路的。

For one thing,I've got to drop by the bank to get some money. - 首先,我得去銀行取一些錢。

As soon as I complete my training,I'm going to be a bank teller. - 一旦我完成訓練,我將是一個銀行出納。

According to the regulations, sir, you'll have to reimburse the bank for the amount paid. - 根據規定,先生,您應該補償銀行付的那筆款了。

Yes, I have got the license from the Bank of China. Here you are. - 是的,我已得到中國銀行的許可。請過目。

Did you go to the bank last night? - 你昨晚去銀行了嗎?

It was warm last Sunday, so I went and sat on the river bank as usual. - 上星期日天氣很暖和。於是我和往常一樣,又去河邊坐著。

Some children were playing games on the bank and there were some people rowing on the river. - 河岸上有些孩子正在玩耍,河面上有些人正在划船。

Some people on the bank called out to the man in the boat, but he did not hear them. - 岸上的一些人對著小船上的人高喊,但他沒有聽見。

Have you ever put your trousers in the washing machine and then remembered there was a large bank note in your back pocket? - 你有沒有把褲子塞洗衣機,然後又想在褲子的後兜有一張大面值的紙幣?

Fortunately for them, the Bank of England has a team called Mutilated Ladies which deals with claims from people who fed their money to a machine or to their dog. - 對英國人來說,值得慶幸的是英國銀行有一個殘鈔鑒別組,負責理那些把錢塞進機器或塞給狗的人提出的索賠要求。

John went to see his bank manager who sent the remains of wallet and the money to the special department of the Bank of England in Newcastle: the Mutilate Ladies! - 約翰去找銀行經理,經理把約翰的錢包和紙幣的殘留物送到英國銀行在紐卡斯爾的一個專門部門——殘鈔鑒別組。

She withdrew $1000 from her bank and followed the kidnapper's instructions. - 她從銀行取出1,000 英鎊,並照綁架者的要求做了。

For one agonizing moment, the dish was perched precariously on the bank of the canal, but it suddenly overbalanced and slid back into the water. - 在令人忐忑不安的瞬間,盤子晃晃悠悠地上了岸,但它突然失去了平衡,又跌回水中。

There was danger that the wave would rebound off the other side of the bank and send the dish plunging into the water again. - 但是當波浪從河對岸折回來時,就有再次把盤子拖進水裡的危險。

he is lending the bank money, repayment of which he may demand at any time, - 就等於把錢借給了銀行。這筆錢他可以隨時提取,

the bank and its customer owe a large number of obligations to one another. - 銀行和儲戶彼此還需承擔大量義務。

Many of these obligations can give rise to problems and complications but a bank customer, - 其中許多義務往往引起問題和糾紛。

The bank must obey its customer's instructions, and not those of anyone else. - 銀行必須遵照儲戶的囑托辦事,不能聽從其他人的指令。

he instructs the bank to debit his account only in respect of cheques drawn by himself. - 囑咐銀行他的存款只能憑他本人簽字的支票來提取。

He gives the bank specimens of his signature, - 他把自己簽名的樣本交給銀行,

and there is a very firm rule that the bank has no right or authority to pay out a customer's money on a cheque on which its customer's signature has been forged. - 銀行沒有任何權利或理由把儲戶的錢讓偽造儲戶簽名的支票取走。

the bank must recognize its customer's signature. - 因為銀行有責任辯認出其儲戶的簽名。

If this facilitates forgery, it is the bank which will lose, not the customer. - 如果因這種作法出現了偽造的話,受損失的將不是儲戶,而是銀行。

and if he found it necessary to shoot a sheriff or rob a bank along the way, - 如果他認為在進行過程中有必要槍擊一個司法官或搶劫一個銀行,


n. bank sand - 堤沙

n. bank sand - 岸沙

cotton wool spots; snow bank spots - 雪團狀滲出點


n.血庫 - blood bank

n.骨庫 - bone bank

細胞銀行 - cell bank

卵子銀行 - egg Bank

n.眼庫 - eye bank

基因文庫 - gene bank

基因工程 - gene bank project

皮膚庫 - skin bank

n.雪團狀滲出點 - snow bank spots

毒理學數據庫 - toxicology data bank

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