springlet['spriŋlit]n. 小泉
springlet 小泉;
1.The Sen Xilang in meeting returns pass on the holograph letter that man of simple of Japanese premier springlet invites general Beijing to visit day. 會晤中森喜朗還轉送了東亞日本總統小泉純一郎約請普京訪日的親筆信。
2.After alms giving listens also the face shows appear to be reluctant, so small number we are early did not produce, I look or contact springlet child. 佈施聽後也面露難色,這麼小的號碼我們早就不生產了,我看還是聯繫一下小泉子吧。
3.Springlet cabinet goes all lengths to be built for this situation, it is to stem from actually but, because structural reform cannot be advanced at all. 小泉內閣竭盡全力為此造勢,實際上是出於無奈,因為結構改革根本無法推進。