





The Stable Abstractions Principle 穩定抽像原則;穩固的抽像化原則;stable distributions 穩定分佈;The Stable Abstractions Principle 穩定抽像原則;穩固的抽像化原則;stable airfoil 穩定翼形;asymptotically stable 漸近穩定的;漸近穩定;穩定的;漸近安定;


1.Some of these particles are stable and form the normal matter, the others live for fractions of a second and then decay to the stable ones. 這些粒子中的一部分是穩定的並且構成了普通物質,其它的只存在一秒鐘的幾分之一,然後衰變為穩定粒子。

2.effectuate the polices of "stable ongoing" and "not sally out everywhere" which make great progress in the stable environment; 實行「穩步前進」、「不要四面出擊」的方針,在保持社會穩定中推進事業不斷發展;

3.The northward moving of the WPSA is prevented by the strong and stable western jet in mid-latitudes, thus causes the stable rainband over the Huaihe River basin. 強勁而穩定少動的中緯度西風急流使得西太平洋副高難以北抬,從而造成了淮河流域降雨帶的穩定少動。

4.This is due to more long-term leases villas, plus in suburban, good ventilation, low density makes villa stable demand, the occupancy rate is relatively stable. 這是由於別墅多為長期租約,加之地處市郊,通風好,密度低,使得別墅保持平穩的需求量,入住率相對穩定。

5.Zhao Shuangsuo, Cong Yuhao, A-stable or L-stable One-step and Two-step Hybrid Methods Formulae, J. of Lanzhou Univ. (Natural Sciences), 25 :1(1989), 154--15

6. 趙雙鎖,叢玉豪,具有A穩定或L穩定性質的一步和二步混合法公式,蘭州大學學報(自),25:1(1989),154--156。


We need a stable political environment in which to develop our economy. - 我們需要一個穩定政治環境來發展經濟。

Lock the stable door before the steed is stolen. - 馬未偷走前,廄門先鎖上。


stable breeding - 圈養

stable factor - 安定因子

stable nuclide; stablenuclide - 安定核素

n. minimum stable slug length - 最小穩定長度

stable fracture with displacement - 有移位穩定性骨折

stable nuclear rna - 核穩定RNA

stable nuclear rna - 核穩定rna

have stable eficacy; outstanding curative effects - 療效確切

relatively stable stage - 相對穩定階段

si; stable isotope - 穩定同位素

stable isotope dilution mass spectrometry - 穩定同位素稀釋質譜法

stable factor - 穩定因子

stable factor deficiency - 穩定因子缺乏症

stable form; stable type - 穩定型

stable angina cordis - 穩定型心絞痛

stable diabetes mellitus - 穩定型糖尿病

stable equilibrium - 穩定平衡

stable isotope - 穩定性同位素

stable nuclide; stablenuclide - 穩定性核素

stable malarial endemic area - 穩定性瘧區

stable bladder - 穩定性膀胱

stable plasma protein solution - 穩定性血漿蛋白溶液

stable fracture - 穩定性骨折

stable elements - 穩定成分

stable nuclear rna - 穩定核RNA

stable nuclide; stablenuclide - 穩定核素

aldamine; stable oxidase - 穩定氧化酶

stable burning - 穩定燃燒

stable state; steady state; steadystate - 穩定狀態

n. stable crack growth - 穩定的裂紋生長

stable tracer isotope - 穩定示蹤同位素

stable glycogen - 穩定糖原

stable structure - 穩定結構

stable rosetteforming cells - 穩定花環形成細胞

n. stable crack growth - 穩定裂紋擴展

proconvertin; stable factor - 第七因子

stable on heating - 耐熱性的

heat stable alkaline phosphase - 耐熱性鹼性磷酸酶

heat stable antigen - 耐熱抗原


n.β-穩定元素 - beta stable element

n.療效確切 - have stable eficacy

n.耐熱的,熱穩定的 - heat stable

n.耐熱性鹼性磷酸酶 - heat stable alkaline phosphase

熱穩定鹼性磷酸酶,耐熱鹼性磷酸酶 - heat stable alkaline phosphatase

n.耐熱抗原 - heat stable antigen

n.相對穩定階段 - relatively stable stage

n.相對穩定的 - relatvely stable

n.生命徵象穩定 - vital sings stable

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