TSIabbr. 每平方英吋噸數(tons per square inch);實際空速指示器(True Air speed Indicator)
TSI 三糖鐵瓊脂;全面技術指數;甲狀腺刺激免疫球蛋白;True Speed Inside;TSI TransmittingSubscriberIdentification 發送用戶識別;TSI ELISA 甲狀腺刺激激素;Nothodoritis Tsi 象鼻蘭屬;TSI TechnicalSupportHotline 技術支持熱線;
1.Mineta said the TSI will provide the first-ever single measure of the transportation sector's impact on the economy. 峰田說,TSI將率先提供一種衡量標準,來表明交通業對經濟的影響。
2.Like the "Big Man" described by Yuan Tsi (A. D. 210-263), one of China's first romanticists, we"live in heaven and earth as our house. 正如中國一位最早期的浪漫主義者阮藉(公元210—263)所描寫的「大人先生」一樣,我們以「天地為所」。
3.Customers wanting a gas engine will be offered a 120 horsepower TSI unit while diesel buyers will have two choices – a 105 horsepower unit and a 140 horsepower mill. 客戶希望能在汽油發動機將提供了一個120馬力的TSI股而柴油買家將有兩個選擇-一個105馬力的單位和一個140馬力的軋機。