underappreciatedadj. 未受到充分賞識的;未得到正確評價的
Underappreciated 失寵;未得到正確評價的 未受到充分賞識(或欣賞)的;不受重視;
1.Years of being an underpaid and underappreciated factory worker had made him into a querulous, bitter old man. 多年來身為一個低收入、低地位的工廠勞工,使他成為一個愛發牢騷、滿腹委屈的老頭。
2.Indeed one of the main, and underappreciated, functions of foreign investment in China has been to play venture capitalist to domestic entrepreneurs. 的確,外資在中國的一個主要功用沒有得到足夠重視,即是充當中國企業的風險投資。
3.One of the underappreciated aspects of Copenhagen was progress on the question of what can be done about deforestation, which currently accounts for a bit less than 20% of global emissions. 在哥本哈根大會上,一個受到低估的問題是,我們應該如何對待森林採伐的問題,這個佔了全球排放量的大概20%的問題。