





Winter Winter season 女性英文名字 美國;winter mushroom and winter melon soup 冬菇冬瓜湯;dried winter-picked mushroom winter mushroom 冬菇;dried winter-picked mushroom winter mushroom 冬菇;winter aconite 冬烏頭;菟葵屬(毛莨科);


1.South Korea has a winter climate of the "three four warm winter, " the characteristics, in order to cope with changes in the warm winter should be equipped with thick clothes and books. 韓國冬季氣候具有「三寒四暖」的特點,為了應付寒暖變化,應配備厚簿衣服。

2.A valley of eastern France at the foot of Mont Blanc. It is a major winter sports resort and was the site of the 924 Winter Olympics. 加穆尼克斯谷:法國東部一山谷,位於布蘭克山腳。為一重要的冬季運動勝地,也是924冬季奧運會的舉辦地。

3.Because winter skin is metabolic rate is slow, the formation of the splash in winter is imperceptible, once form, eliminate very hard. 由於冬季皮膚新陳代謝速度慢,冬季裡色斑的形成是不知不覺的,一旦形成就很難消除。

4.In the winter I grow the pansies for they are pretty in winter and in early spring the bloom is so beautiful as you see in the photos. 在冬天我栽培三色紫羅蘭他們在早春,在冬天是漂亮的花是像你在相片明白的一樣美麗的。

5.The Edge of Winter - For this quest, you must kill Lord Everblaze in the Crystal Viceof Icecrown and collect Winter's Edge. 在這個任務中,你必須擊殺冰冠冰川水晶裂痕的永燃領主,並收集寒冬利刃。


In my opinion, winter in Beijing is not very cold. - 我覺得北京的冬天不是特別冷。

This winter has been a cold one. - 目前來看,今年冬天算比較冷的。

Do you want to see the winter jacket on me, Susan? - 你想看看我穿上冬季的夾克怎樣嗎, Susan?

and put on the new winter jacket we bought today. - 也把我們今天買的冬季夾克穿上。

Let's take a look at the winter jacket. Come on over here, honey. - 讓我們看看冬季夾克。到這兒來, 親愛的。

The climate here is always hot, summer and winter alike. - 這裡的氣候總是那麼熱,夏季與冬季都一樣。

My favorite winter sport is skiing. - 我最喜歡的動機運動是滑雪。

Personally,I prefer winter weather. - 個人而言,我比較喜歡冬季天氣。

What is it you don't like about winter weather? - 你不喜歡冬天什麼樣的天氣?

Well, the worst of the winter should be over. - 不過,冬天最糟糕的一段日子總該過去了。

A good winter brings a good summer. - 瑞雪兆豐年。

The monks prefer winter to summer of they have more privacy. - 修道士們喜歡冬天,而不太喜歡夏天。因為在冬天,他們可以更多地過無人打擾的生活。

The only regular visitors to the monastery in winter are parties of skiers who go there at Christmas and Easter. - 冬天常來修道院參觀的只有一批批滑雪者。他們在聖誕節或復活節到那兒去。

My friend fails to mention the long and friendless winter evenings in front of the TV -- virtually the only form of entertainment. - 我的朋友沒有提到在電視機前度過的漫長寂寞的冬夜——電視是唯一的娛樂形式。

There is something comforting about the warm glow shed by advertisements on cold wet winter nights. - 寒冷潮濕的冬夜裡,廣告燈箱發出的暖光,會給人某種安慰。

One had winter we watched the river creep up the lower meadows. - 有一年冬天,天氣不好,我們眼看著河水浸沒了地勢較低的草場。

These had settled down for the winter at Chippenham: thither Alfred went. - 丹麥軍已在切本哈姆紮下營準備過冬,阿爾弗雷便來到此地。

Because it's winter now. The weather here is very cold in winter, isn't it? - 因為現在是冬天。這兒的冬天天氣非常冷,對嗎?

In summer it is often too hot, and in winter it is too cold. - 夏天常常太熱,冬天又常常太冷。

Summer is from December to February, and winter is in June, July and August. - 夏天從12月到2月,冬天是在6月、7月和8月。


duhrings pruriturs; pruritus hiemalis; winter itch - 冬令癢疹

winter cough - 冬季咳

winter exercise - 冬季運動

winter wheat - 冬小麥

hibernation; winter sleep; wintersleep - 冬眠

winter pulse is stony - 冬石

survived winter mosquitoes - 越冬狀態


n.越冬狀態 - survived winter mosquitoes

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