





devilling['devəl]n. [常作the Devil]【神學】 魔王,撒旦魔鬼,惡魔惡棍,歹徒,凶殘的人;脾氣粗暴的人[口語] 人,傢伙不幸的人,可憐的人,倒霉的人(常與poor連用)[口語] 能幹的人,聰明的人,精力旺盛(或充沛)的人任性的人;魯莽之徒,不顧後果的人;冒失鬼;淘氣鬼性烈的牲畜;猛獸[口語](指處於特定狀況的牲畜等)東西[常作the (very) devil][口語]極難對付(或控制、操縱、理解)的事物,難事,棘手事[基督教科學派用語]魔鬼(意為對罪孽、死亡、疾病的信仰)鋪瀝青路面加熱器;(建築和鑄造工場用的)手提式火爐【紡織業】(紙、破布等的)扯碎機,切碎機【印刷】(印刷廠的)學徒;供差遣的童僕作家的代筆人首席律師的助手攻擊的銳氣;鬥志(尤指炙烤的)辣味菜餚【氣象學】小旋風;塵暴(人格化了的)邪惡邪惡的力量(或影響)[馬來西亞語]幽靈,鬼[the devil][口語][用於加強拒絕或表示驚訝的語氣][the devil][俚語][用於疑問詞後以加強語氣]到底,究竟[the devil][俚語][用於表示不以為然的粗魯回答中]vt. (用扯碎機)扯碎(破布、破爛或衣服等): 例句:to devil rags and cloth用扯碎機扯碎破舊衣服和布【烹飪】抹辣味料烤制或煎煮(通常是切細的食物,尤指剁碎的肉): 例句:deviled ham抹辣味料煎煮火腿to devil eggs撒辣味料煎雞蛋[主英國英語]替作家代寫(文章),為(作家)捉刀代筆;給(律師)當助手,替律師代寫(文件等): 例句:He devilled an article for the writer.他替作家代寫了一篇文章。to devil his work for him給他當助手虐待[美國口語]戲弄,逗弄,激怒;困擾,煩擾,折磨,糾纏,使煩惱,使痛苦: 例句:The girl devilled her parents for a new computer.這小女孩纏著父母要一台新電腦。He devilled her during the tour.他在旅行中拿她打趣逗樂。vi. [主英國英語]為作家捉刀代筆,給律師當助手:例句:The young man has been devilling for the lawyer.這年輕人一直給律師當助手。短語: a devil of a 討厭…的,異常的…,非常惱人(或糟糕)的;有趣的;極麻煩的a devil with the men (在愛情方面)不專一的女子,玩弄異性的女子a devil with the women (在愛情方面)不專一的男子;玩弄異性的男子and the devil knows what (who,等) [口語]以及其他種種(以及其他的人)as the devil [口語]報復地;猛烈地;拚命地as the devil loves holy water 如同魔鬼愛聖水;非常憎惡,非常痛恨(據基督教傳說,魔鬼最恨聖水,此處系反語)be a devil to eat 很能吃,飯量極大be a devil to work 非常能幹活,是幹活的能手beat the devil out of someone [美國俚語]把某人打得半死,痛打某人between the devil and the deep (blue) sea 進退維谷,進退兩難;左右交逼[亦作between the devil and the deep]catch the devil [口語]受到嚴責,受到申斥devil a bit [口語]毫不,一點也不,完全不devil a one 連一個也沒有devil of a mess 十分零亂,亂七八糟Each for himself and the devil take the hindmost. 爭先恐後,落後者遭殃。full of the devil (或the Old Nick) 頑皮,調皮搗蛋[亦作full of it]give the devil his due 即使對壞人(或討厭的人)也得公平對待,一視同仁,平心而論go to the devil染上惡習,完蛋,墮落,毀滅[亦用於表示憤怒討厭的祈使語氣]滾開,見鬼去,去你的have a (或the) devil of a job doing something 發現干某事非常麻煩have the devil's own time 遭遇極大的困難have the luck of the devil [口語]福星高照,交好運He must (或should) have a long spoon that sups with the devil. [諺語]與魔鬼喝湯調羹要長,和壞人打交道必須小心受騙。[亦作He that sups with the devil must have a long spoon]like the devil 猛烈地,竭力地,拚命地Needs must when the devil drives. [諺語]魔鬼在後攆,不跑也得跑。(或:形勢所迫,只好如此。)paint the devil blacker than he is (說到自己討厭的人或物時)過甚其詞,言過其實play the devil with [口語]使差錯,使失敗;把…搞亂,弄糟,攪亂,搞壞,糟蹋,傷害Pull devil,pull baker(拔河比賽等時鼓勵)雙方加油!各顯神通的角鬥,對手間的爭鬥,激烈的角鬥Pull the devil by the tail[口語]不斷同貧困做鬥爭,走向破產剩下最後一著raise the devil興妖作怪[口語]製造(或引起)騷動,惹亂子;熙熙攘攘,大吵大鬧狂歡雀躍,玩得很熱鬧召鬼,(唸咒)召喚魔鬼[口語]採取斷然措施;提出強烈抗議see the devil [俚語]喝醉sell oneself(或one's soul)to the devil 把靈魂出賣給魔鬼send someone to the devil([美國英語]send someone to the devil across lots) 叫某人去見鬼,叫某人滾開serve the devil (for God's sake) (假借上帝的名義)為非作歹,(在善良意圖的幌子下)做壞事Speak(或Talk)of the devil(and he will appear). [口語]說到曹操(曹操就到)。說到某人(某人就到)。說誰誰到,說鬼鬼來。the devil![口語]表示憤怒、驚奇、否定等的驚歎語,常用於這些短語:The devil you did!意為「Did you really?」看你幹的好事!究竟(與who,how,why,where,what等連用)The cross on his breast and the devil in his heart. [諺語]口中念彌陀,心中毒蛇窩。The devil always leaves a stink behind him. [諺語]魔鬼身後總要留臭跡;壞人身後千夫指。the devil among the tailors「惡魔在眾裁縫之中」的遊戲(「惡魔打裁縫」是一種遊戲。以陀螺當「惡魔」,以小木人當「裁縫」,轉陀螺於若干小木人之中,撞倒小木人較多者取勝)(正在進行的)吵架,(方興未艾的)騷亂,亂哄哄「小魔鬼」煙火(一種煙火名,開始時噴射出火花然後顯現出旋轉不停的小魔鬼)the devil and all整個,全部;一切事(尤指一切壞事)壞透了,糟透了the devil and all to do 極大的忙亂,騷亂The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.或The devil can quote Scripture for his own end. [諺語]魔鬼也會引證《聖經》為其所用。the devil catch the hindmost = the devil take the hindmostThe devil finds(或makes)work for idle hands.或Satan finds work for idle hands. [諺語]魔鬼愛勾引閒人幹壞事。人一閒,招麻煩。The devil is good(或kind)to his own. 或The devil looks after his own. [諺語]魔鬼就關照他自己人。惡人自有惡人幫。The devil is good when he is pleased. [諺語]魔鬼高興時也會發善心。The devil is not so black as he is painted. [諺語]魔鬼並不像人們所畫的那樣猙獰。事情並不像傳說的那麼可怕。The devil knows many things because he is old. [諺語]人老見識廣;薑是老的辣。the devil of a 異常的;討厭的,可恨的the devil(或heck)of it最糟糕(或倒霉)的事,最不幸的事,禍事惡作劇,鬧著玩(用於for之後)the devil on two sticks空竹,扯鈴扯鈴遊戲the devil's own job [口語]非常困難的事,很棘手的事;很不尋常的事the devil's own time 非常痛苦的經驗The devil take it! [俚語]該死!見鬼!糟透了!(表示很不愉快)the devil (或deuce)take someone (或something) 糟糕,倒霉,該死The devil take the hindmost.[諺語]落在後頭,只好吃虧。落後者遭殃(為私利競爭的格言)。不顧後果,漠不關心,麻木不仁the devil to pay [俚語]今後的麻煩,極大麻煩,隨之而來的困難,可怕的後果,糟糕,倒霉to beat the devil[美國俚語]壓倒一切,超過一切;真了不起起勁地;又快又猛地;異常地;特別好地非常;在很大程度上[見beat]when the devil is blind 當魔鬼眼瞎時(意謂永不會,決不可能)whip the devil round the stump (或post) 採用不正當手段達到目的,(不正當地)規避困難,(投機)取巧;自欺欺人wish someone at the devil 巴不得某人去見鬼;恨不得某人滾得遠遠的變形: devilled或deviled , devilling或 -iling


devilling 刻槽;

devilling的參考例句 devil rags and cloth 用扯碎機扯碎破舊衣服和布

2.The cook is devilling a chicken. 廚師正煮辣味雞。

3.Metal industry: treatment equipment of Pell mina, devilling and pickling in wire stretching and steel rolling; 金屬工業:氧化鋁膜處理設備;線材拉伸、鋼鐵軋制中除油及酸洗;車輛噴漆前除油及酸洗處理;

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