





Fair in word and deed Act fair and square 講公道話, 辦公道事;講公道話 辦公道事;Fair in word and deed Act fair and square 講公道話, 辦公道事;講公道話 辦公道事;Fair in word and deed Act fair and square 講公道話, 辦公道事;講公道話 辦公道事;fair play play fair 公平比賽;candid equitable just fair-and-square fair-minded righteous 公正的;


1.This Fair is held on the Monday following Old Michaelmas day ( October 10th); it is really St. Michael's Fair, but it is far better known by its secondary name of Pack Monday Fair. 此節在舊米迦勒節(10月10日)之後的星期一舉行,實際上是聖米迦勒節,但它的小名「星期一收工節」更為人所熟知。

2.This Fair is held on the Monday following Old Michaelmas day ( October 10th); it is really St. Michael's Fair, but it is far better known by its secondary name of Pack Monday Fair. 此節在舊米迦勒節(10月10日)之後的星期一舉行,實際上是聖米迦勒節,但它的小名「星期一收工節」更為人所熟知。

3.Through living with fair people she had taken on the dispositions and the prejudices of the fair. 似乎跟白皮膚的人們生活過一段,她自己也賦有了他們的品性和偏見。

4.You know what, I may not be getting a fair shake here, but I'll bet I can get a fair shake in America. 你知道嗎,我或許不能在這裡得到公平的機會,但我相信我能在美國得到公平機遇。

5.Clearly, these extraterritorial visitors broke the original spring fair is purely Shenzhen local exhibitors or the Housing Trade Fair model. 顯然,這些域外來客打破了春季交易會原本是純粹的深圳本土參展商或房交會的模式。


That's fair enough. - 這倒很公平。

No one knows for certain what happened, but it's a fair bet that it was not an accident. - 沒有人知道究竟發生了什麼,但幾乎可以肯定這並非意外。

Some think that all's fair in business. - 一些人以為商界的一切都是公平的。

Generally speaking, it's quite a fair settlement. - 大致上說,這樣解決很恰當。

Your unit price seems fair enough, but we're hoping for a higher discount rate. - 單價似乎合理,但我們希望給予更高的折扣率。

What do you think will be a fair price for your product? - 你認為你們產品的價格公平嗎?

A fair death honours the whole life. - 死得光明,終身榮耀。

A fair face may hide a foul heart. - 人不可貌相。

All's fair in love and war. - 愛情和戰爭是不擇手段的。

An evening red and a morning grey, is a sign of a fair day. - 晚霞紅如火,曉色青如灰,定是晴朗天。

Beauty may have fair leaves, but bitter fruit. - 美麗的花或許長好葉,結苦果。

That trial is not fair where affection is the judge. - 法官動感情,審判難公正。

The peacock has fair feathers, but foul feet. - 孔雀雖有華羽,但有賤足。

There is many a fair thing full false. - 有許多說得好聽的東西充滿了謬誤。

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