georgiansn. 格魯吉亞人(Georgian的複數)
Georgians 格魯吉亞人;
1.Thousands of Georgians are rallying against the continued presence of Russian troops in a key port city. 成千的格魯吉亞人正在和俄羅斯軍隊在一個關鍵港口城市的持續存在做鬥爭。
2.Yet the hard truth, for Georgians and others, is that pleas for military backing from the West in any confrontation with Russia are unlikely to be heeded. 然而對於格魯吉亞人和其他一些人來說,艱難的現實情況是,從西方國家請求任何軍事援助以對抗俄羅斯是幾乎不會有人理睬的。
3.The Kaczynskis' policy seemed to be to pick noisy fights with Germany, Russia and the rest of the EU, over, for example, support of the beleaguered Georgians. 卡欽斯基的政策似乎意在從與德國、俄羅斯和其他歐盟成員國的激烈爭吵中,選出有用的,來支持四面楚歌的格魯吉亞。