igoabbr. 脈衝控制振蕩器(Impulse-Governed Oscillator);政府間組織(Inter-Governmental Organizations)
IGO 政府間組織;政府間國際組織;眩暈;前衛搖滾;Igo Shinan 圍棋指南;Igo Club 圍棋俱樂部;Igo Meikan 圍棋名鑒;iGO FIGURE 客戶和會員管理;
1.This is the faith that Igo back to the South with. 這就是我帶回南方的信念。
2.Luckily, we had enough time to all pull together ang get the work done, I won't be surprised if Igo into work tomorrow ang Jason's nowhere to be seen. 好在還有時間,大家可以同心協力完成工作。明天上班如果傑森不見人影,我也不會覺得意外。
3.In our continued effort to offer the best in client services, IGO offers both IELTS and TOFEL preparation programs for students wishing to complete overseas study! 我們不斷的努力,以求為客戶提供最好的服務,IGO也為準備出國留學的學生提供雅思和托福的培訓課程。