Meghalaya 梅加拉亞邦;
1.The private nature of the habitat is making conservation efforts even more difficult, said Professor Tandon, vice chancellor of the North Eastern Hill University in Meghalaya's capital Shillong. 棲息地的私人性質使得保護的努力變得更加困難,梅加拉亞邦首府西隆的東北希爾大學的副校長坦登教授說。
2.Calypogeia khasiana sp. nov. is described here as a new species from Khasi Hills: Meghalaya in Eastern Himalayas. 本文描述一種東喜馬
3.Calypogeia khasiana sp. nov. is described here as a new species from Khasi Hills: Meghalaya in Eastern Himalayas. 本文描述一種東喜馬拉雅山區護苔科護苔屬的蘚苔新種。
4.Through their music and their performances in the villages of Meghalaya, they spread the message of joy and happiness and to ultimately be good human beings. 合唱團在梅加拉亞邦德許多村莊都進行過表演,將歡樂和幸福灑向這些村莊,並從根本上起到了教人為善的作用。