





n. heart rate ,heartbeat ,impulse ,pulsationv. pulsate ,throb


pulse[pʌls]n. 脈衝;脈搏vt. 使跳動vi. 跳動,脈跳


Pulse 脈衝;脈衝波;律動;脈搏;Data Pulse 數據脈衝;數據信息,數據脈衝;clock pulse 時鐘脈衝;時鐘脈衝,定時脈衝;時鐘脈波;節拍脈衝;pulse train 脈衝串;脈衝序列;脈衝列;脈衝群;pulse amplifier 脈衝放大器;脈搏放大器,脈衝放大器;放大器;脈衝[信號]放大器;


1.The echoes had pulsed themselves to silence. 回聲陣陣震盪,直到沉靜下來。

2.The effect of velocity pulse is significant in low damp the case. 在阻尼不是很大的情況下,速度脈衝效應是較大的。

3.The source audio essence is encoded using pulse code modulation or PCM. 源音頻編碼的本質是使用脈衝編碼調製或PCM。


seven kinds of paradoxical pulse condition; seven moribund pulses - 七怪脈

irregularity in sequence of pulse beat - 乍疏乍數

twenty-eight kinds of pulse condition - 二十八脈

prognosis based on the five zang-pulses; prognosis based on the fivezang-pulses; the pulse conditions of the five viscera - 五決

five pulse conditios of the zang organ; five zang-related pulses - 五脈

temporary external pulse generator - 體外暫時起搏器

bldy temperature; body temperature; temperature pulse and respiration - 體溫

winter pulse is stony - 冬石

n. pulse hardening - 衝擊硬化

arterial injection; pulse injection - 動脈注射

ten kinds of paradoxical pulse condition; ten moribund pulses; the ten unusual pulses - 十怪脈

single pulse mode - 單脈衝方式

single pulse laser - 單脈衝激光器

pressurre pulse wave - 壓脈波

variable pulse ultrasonic therapy apparatus - 可變脈衝超聲波治療機

respiration; respirations; temperature pulse and respiration - 呼吸

The spleen pulse is connected with the earth - 土也

a mormal pulse in summer should be full - 夏應中矩

searching for the pulse with fingers - 尋脈

derivative pulse polarography - 導數脈衝極譜法

differential pulse polarography - 差示脈衝極譜法

delayed pulse oscillator - 延遲脈衝發生器

taut pulse is the main pulse condition in malaria - 弦脈是瘧疾的主脈

feeble pulse or weak pulse - 弱脈

ecg and pulse rate oscilloscope - 心電脈率示波器

feeling the pulse with the finger-tip - 指目

feeling pulse with pressure; sphygmopalpation; taking pulse feeling pulse with pressure - 按脈

portable pulse rate indicator - 攜帶式脈率指示表

pulse counting; rapid pulse - 數脈

rectangular pulse stimulator - 方波刺激器

basic pulse generator - 標準脈衝發生器

pulse per minute - 每分鐘脈搏次數

n. pulse annealing - 波動退火

Full pulse indicates preponderance of yangheat - 洪脈主陽熱亢盛

sliding pulse generator - 滑動脈衝發生器

soft pulse feels floating and thready - 濡脈浮中並見細象

computer based pulse hight analyzer - 用計算機的脈衝高度分析器

methyprednisolone pulse theraphy - 甲基強的松龍脈衝療法

relative pulse heigt - 相對脈衝高度

critical pulse condition - 真髒脈

autumn dryness; weak and floating pulse in autumn - 秋毛

integral pulse height distribution - 積分脈衝高度分析

knotted pulse; slow pulse with irregular intervals - 結脈

spirit and root in pulse condition; the stomacg-qi - 胃神根

n. pulse distribution analysis method - 脈衝分佈解析法

pulse analyser - 脈衝分析器

n. pulse distribution analysis method - 脈衝分配分析法

n. pulse echo technique - 脈衝反射技術

pulse period - 脈衝週期

pulse response - 脈衝響應


n.脈訣 - a Handbook of Pulse in Verse

n.夏應中矩 - a mormal pulse in summer should be full

n.脈澀結代 - a roughand intermittent pulse

n.腹部脈搏 - abdominal pulse

n.弦脈 - abngry pulse

n.病脈 - abnormal pulse

n.脈率異常 - abnormal pulse frequency

n.離經脈 - abnormally rapid or slow pulse

n.促脈 - abrupt pulse

n.絕對不整脈 - absolute irregular pulse

n.脈寬可調起搏器 - adjustable pulse width pacemaker

n.醒時脈搏 - alert pulse

n.不整脈 - allrrhythmic pulse

n.交替脈 - alternating pulse

n.脈虛無力 - an empty pulse with littl strength

n.升線一波脈 - anacrotic pulse

n.升線二波脈 - anadicrotic pulse

n.升線三波脈 - anatricrotic pulse

n.點狀脈,集中脈 - ardent pulse

n.參五不調,參伍不調 - arrhythmia of pulse

n.不規則脈 - arrhythmic pulse

動脈搏動 - arterial pulse

n.班伯格氏頸靜脈球脈搏 - bambergers bulbar pulse

n.標準脈衝發生器 - basic pulse generator

n.轉豆脈 - bean-rotating pulse

n.二聯脈 - bigeminal pulse

n.雀啄脈 - bird-pecking pulse

n.雀啄脈 - bird-pedking pulse

n.大脈 - bonnding pulse

n.洪脈 - bounding pulse

n.釜沸脈 - bubble-rising pulse

n.釜沸脈 - buble-rising pulse

n.班伯格氏頸靜脈球脈搏 - bulbar pulse

n.脈靜 - calm pulse

炮彈狀脈,水沖脈 - cannonball pulse

n.毛細管脈搏 - capillary pulse

頸動脈搏動 - carotid arterial pulse

頸動脈搏動 - carotid pulse

n.降線一波脈 - catacrotic pulse

n.降線二波脈 - catadicrotic pulse

n.降線三波脈 - catatricrotic pulse

n.尺脈 - chi pulse

爬升脈 - climbing pulse

時標脈衝,計時脈衝 - clock pulse

n.陷落脈 - collapsing pulse

n.用計算機的脈衝高度分析器 - computer based pulse hight analyzer

n.麻促脈 - confused running pulse

縮脈 - contracted pulse

n.水沖脈,陷落脈 - corrigans pulse

n.二聯脈 - coupled pulse

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