CCRabbr. 中央控制室(Central Control Room);通道命令寄存器(Channel Command Register)
Ccr 肌酐清除率;全國汽車越野系列賽;群集連續複製;貨物的等級運價;CCR ChannelCommandRegister 信道命令寄存器;CCR ConfigurationControlRecord 配置調節記錄;CCR CarriageControlRegister 托架控制寄存器;CCR CommonChannelsignalingReceiver 公用信道的信令接收器;
1.Clear up surface water in CCR, Office, etc. Or lay slip-proof rug on the ground of the entrance. 辦公樓等區域內地面有積水請及時清除,或在人員出入口鋪設吸水防滑毯。
2.Designed to help programmers take advantage of the power of multicore and multiprocessor systems, the CCR turns out to be ideal for robotics as well. CCR的設計原本是為了協助程式設計師發揮多核心與多處理器系統的效能,但是結果對機器人學也有同樣的好處。
3.The filter meshwork of the compressor inlet was cleaned out without shutdown of CCR plant. The method, that the plant was run in longer workup period, was found in it. 介紹在裝置不停工狀態下,進行壓縮機入口過濾網的清洗工作,並從中找到使裝置長週期運行的方法。