micro-machine 微電機;electrical micro-machine 微電機;controlled micro-machine 受控微電機;Micro- machine and Micro-factory 機床的微型化;electric mini-motor micro-machine print motor 微電機;
1.The kernel part is micro-machine silicon pressure sensor or Ceramic Pressure Sensor. Without the moving parts, it has a long life. 它的核心部件為微機械技術硅壓力傳感器或陶瓷壓力傳感器,沒有任何移動部件,因此使用壽命長。
2.Chizhou is one of the bases of production and export in micro-machine of our country with the mini-machine processing of nearly 20 years. 池州市已有近二十年小機床加工歷史,是我國微型機床生產和出口基地之一。
3.The production line making a technology and producing equipment and the automation to electron electrical equipment , the micro-machine childbirth is known very well all very much. 還對電子電器,微電機的生產製造技術和生產設備及自動化流水線都很熟悉。