nomina['nɔminə, 'nəu-]n. 第二名字(古羅馬人名字的第二名字,nomen的複數)
nomina 公稱倒角尺寸;nomina conservanda 保留名;釋義:保留名;nomina conservenda 保留名;nomina anatomica 釋義:(拉)解剖學名詞;paris nomina anatomica 釋義:(拉)巴黎解剖學名詞;
1.Current, nomina and connect a company high to still be signed in add of agreement of patent accredit undertake negotiating. 今朝,諾基亞和高通公司仍舊在就專利受權和談續簽進行構和。
2.A few days ago, nomina and Philippine company of lead communication of Smart of mobile operation business (SMART) announced to come true in Philippine success first EDGE call. 日前,諾基亞與菲律賓領先的移動運營商Smart通信公司(SMART)宣佈在菲律賓成功實現了首次EDGE呼叫。
3.Everybody still is to Nuojiya a what kind of enterprise has stick to one's position after all previously, our president is already clear this year, nomina is an Internet company. 以前大家還對諾基亞究竟是一個什麼樣的企業有爭執,今年我們總裁已經明確,諾基亞就是一家互聯網公司。
basel anatomical nomenclature; basel nomina anatomica - 巴塞爾解剖學名詞
paris anatomical nomenclature; paris nomina anatomica - 巴黎解剖學名詞
anatomical nomenclature; nomina anatomica - 解剖學名詞
n.巴塞爾解剖學名詞 - basel nomina anatomica
n.巴黎解剖學名詞 - paris nomina anatomica