





n. officer ,police officer


policeman[pə'li:smən]n. 警察,警員;澱帚(橡皮頭玻璃攪棒)


policeman 警察;澱帚(橡皮頭玻璃攪棒);澱帚;(細胞)刮棒,細胞帚;traffic policeman 交通警察;交通警;交通警察 交通;交通警員/交通警察;military policeman 憲兵;憲兵,;The policeman 警察;molecular policeman 分子警察;


1.My father is a policeman. 我的爸爸是一名警察。

2.Round the corner walked a large policeman. 在就拐角處走著一高大的警察。

3.The policeman took the picture from under the book. 警察從那本書的下面把照片取了出來。?


My son wants to be a policeman when he grows up. - 當他長大時,我的兒子想要成為一個警察。

A policeman pricks up his ears. - 一個警察豎起耳朵在認真地聽著。

If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it. - 一旦你把汽車停錯了地方,交通警很快就會發現。

At the station, he was told by a smiling policeman that his bicycle had been found. - 在警察局裡,一位面帶笑容的警察告訴他,他的自行車找到了。

Five days ago, the policeman told him, the bicycle was picked up in a small village four hundred miles away. - 那位警察對他說,那輛自行車是5天前在400英里外的一個小村裡發現的,

A policeman approached Jimmy and told him he ought to have gone along a side street as Jumbo was holding up the traffic. - 一個警察走過來告訴吉米,他應該走一條小路,因為江泊阻礙了交通。

'Jumbo must weigh a few tons,' said a policeman afterwards, 'so it was fortunate that we didn't have to carry him. - 「江伯一定有好幾噸重,」一個警察事後這樣說,「值得慶幸的是它沒讓我們抬它走。

There he was picked up by a policeman and sent back to England by the local authorities. - 他在那兒被一個警察抓住了,之後被當局送回了英國。

When he asked if Mr.Lane lived there, the policeman on duty told him that since his defeat, the ex-Prime Minister had gone abroad. - 當他詢問萊恩先生是否住在那裡時,值班的警察告訴他這位前首相落選後出國去了。

The same policeman was just walking slowly past the entrance, when Patrick asked the same question. - 昨天的那位警察正從門口慢慢走過,帕特裡克上前問了和昨天同樣的問題。

Though a little suspicious this time, the policeman gave him the same answer. - 雖然那位警察這次有點疑心,但還是對他作了同樣的回答。

This time, the policeman lost his temper. - 這一次警察火了。

'So do I,' answered the policeman in the same tone. - 「我也是的,」警察用同樣的聲調回答,

Fortunately, the shouting woke up my wife who opened the window just as the policeman had started to climb towards me. - 幸運得很,這喊聲驚醒了我的妻子。就在警察開始向我爬上來時,她打開了窗子。

As soon as he had hung up, he went over to the workmen and told them that if a policeman ordered them to go away, they were not take him seriously. - 掛上電話後,他又馬上來到工人那兒,告訴他們若有個警察來讓他們走開,不要把他當回事,

He added that a student had dressed up as a policeman and was playing all sorts of silly jokes on people. - 還對工人說,有個學生常裝扮成警察無聊地同別人開玩笑。

Sure enough, a policeman arrived on the scene and politely asked the workmen to go away. - 果然,警察來了,不禮貌地請工人離開此地;

The workmen told him to do as he pleased and the policeman telephoned for help. - 工人說,悉聽尊便。警察去打電話叫人。

Permission was granted and a policeman accompanied him to a pay phone. - 警察同意了,陪他來到一個投幣地電話前,

The lawyer ascertained that a policeman had indeed dealt roughly with foreigners on several occasions. - 律師證實有個警察確實多次粗魯地對待外國人。

The fact that the policeman was prejudiced against foreigners could not be recorded in the official files. - 警察歧視外國人的事在官方檔案中不可能加以記載,

The policeman in question was severely reprimanded and was informed that if any further complaints were lodged against him, he would prosecuted. - 當事的警察受到嚴厲的斥責,並被告知,如果再有人投訴他,他將受到起訴。

I'm sorry I don't know. You'd better ask that policeman over there. - 對不起,我不知道。你最好問問那邊的警察。

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