pension retirement pay retirement pension 退休金;Retirement allowance 退職金;退休津貼;退休金;養老金;Approaching Retirement 接近退休階段;post commemorating Bill Gate's retirement 未來時速;constructive retirement 推定贖回;上一篇:推定贖回;下一篇:推定贖回;
1.Retirement assets such as individual retirement accounts (IRAs) cannot be used to secure loans , even they may indirectly count in a borrower's favor as evidence of astuteness . 個人退休金帳戶之類的退休資產雖然不能用來做貸款擔保,可即便如此,卻會證明你很精明,並因此而博得貸方的好感。
2.Occupational pension is the second pilar of the three pillars of the retirement pension system and an indispensable addition to the basic retirement pension. 企業年金是養老保障體系「三大支柱」中的第二支柱,是對基本養老保險必要的補充。
3.Settlement pay, severance pay, retirement pay and retirement living allowances received by public servants and workers under state uniform provisions; 按照國家統一規定發給幹部、職工的安家費、退職費、退休工資、離休工資、離休生活補助費;
4.Occupational pension is the second pilar of the three pillars of the retirement pension system and an indispensable addition to the basic retirement pension. 企業年金是養老保障體系「三大支柱」中的第二支柱,是對基本養老保險必要的補充。
5.American land retirement policy includes programs on agricultural land reserve and retirement for conservation purpose, mainly conservation reserve programs and wetland reserve program. 美國土地休耕制度包括一系列水土保持計劃和以土壤侵蝕度為主要指標的水土保持評價標準,它通過一系列耕地保護計劃來推行。
Before it becomes a retirement village, - 在硅谷變成一個退休村之前,
退休後隨意連續人員 - voluntary continued member after retirement