Spillovers 外溢;技術外溢;溢出效應;額外費用 額外收益;rent spillovers 租金溢出;knowledge spillovers 知識溢出;知識外溢;Technological spillovers 技術外溢;technology spillovers 技術外溢;技術外溢;
1.Based on the theory of R&D spillovers, the spillovers of knowledge and talents is the most principal . 基於R&D溢出效應的理論,知識與人才的外溢是R&D中最核心的溢出。
2.and filiale's spillovers effect can be compensated by the effective distribution of the spillovers between subsidiary companies. 集團公司可以利用內部轉移價格機制對子公司技術創新溢出進行補償。
3.Knowledge spillovers not only has economies of scale, but also has economies of scope. 知識溢出不僅具有規模經濟,而且還具有範圍經濟和聯結經濟。
4.R&D outcome is stochastic, yet the non-innovating firm gets certain spillovers from successful R&D. 結局是隨機的,但R&D成功時非創新企業獲得的溢出是確定的。
5.But the FDI technology spilloversabsorptive capability (FTAC) of host country is very important in the system of FDItechnology spillovers. 但是,在FDI技術溢出系統中,東道國的技術吸收能力是一個非常重要的因素。