tooth[tu:θ]n. 牙齒vt. 給……裝齒vi. 嚙合
tooth 牙齒;(複數:;小牙仙;齒狀物;canine tooth 大齒;犬牙;犬齒;尖牙;Tooth surface 輪齒表面;齒面;牙表面;牙表面,齒面;Tooth bearing 齒支撐面,輪齒接觸面;輪齒接觸面;齒支撐面,輪齒接觸面;齒支持面,輪齒打仗面;Tooth spiral 齒螺旋線;齒旋;
1.Why everybody wants rinse tooth! 為什麼人人要涮牙呢!
2.One major problem is tooth decay. 一個主要的問題是蛀牙。
3.Tooth and gum problems can be alleviated with dietary phosphorus, again in balance with calcium. 問題可能與飲食的磷一起減輕的牙齒和樹膠,再一次保持平衡鈣。
My tooth hurts like hell. - 我牙疼得要命。
Eye for eye and tooth for tooth. - 以牙還牙,以眼還眼。
I haven't even touched your tooth yet. - 我還沒有碰到你的牙齒呢。
Her tooth ached all night. - 她牙疼了一整夜。
Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been. - 與此同時,我的舌頭正在忙著尋找剛拔掉的那顆牙的傷口。
deciduous tooth retention - 乳牙滯留
deciduous tooth eruption - 乳牙萌出
tooth brush for health protection - 保健牙刷
dentia; dentition; tooth eruption - 出牙
tooth brushing - 刷牙
an inflamed tooth socket - 發炎的牙床
strophulus; tooth rash - 嬰兒苔癬
tooth clamp - 帶牙鉗
permanent tooth bud - 恆牙胚
permanent tooth eruption - 恆牙萌出
my tooth stings - 我牙痛得厲害
tooth extracted - 拔掉的牙
detal extraction; tooth extraction - 拔牙
tooth extraction wound - 拔牙創
instruments for tooth extraction - 拔牙器械
arrachement; tooth extraction - 拔牙術
dental forceps; extracting forceps; tooth forceps - 拔牙鉗
tooth plate - 板齒
tooth transplantation - 植術
strontium chloride tooth paste - 氯化鍶牙膏
tooth drops - 滴牙劑
tooth filling instruments - 牙體充填器械
tooth preparation - 牙體制備
tooth tauma - 牙體外傷
restoration of tooth defect - 牙體缺損修復
tooth replantation - 牙再植術
dental scaler; tooth scaler - 牙刮器
tooth mobility - 牙動度
cusp; dental cusp; tooth cusp - 牙尖
dental elevator; tooth elevator; tooth lever - 牙挺
irrregular tooth alignment - 牙排列不齊
tooth lever - 牙撬
dental hyperesthesia; tooth sensitivity - 牙敏感症
tooth staining - 牙著色
tooth contusion - 牙碰傷
tooth implantion - 牙種植術
dental gram; tooth germ - 牙胚
anomaly of tooth eruption - 牙萌出異常
primodial tooth; tooth bud - 牙蕾
tooth fusion - 牙融合
tooth surface - 牙表面
tooth remature contact - 牙過早接觸
tooth sensitiviity - 牙面敏感性
fluoridization method of tooth surface - 牙面塗氟法
acid etching of tooth surface - 牙面酸處理
tooth treatment - 牙齒治療
tooth deformity - 畸形牙
desensitizing tooth paste - 脫敏牙膏
ultrasonic dental unit; ultrasonic tooth cleaner - 超聲波潔牙器
anticarious tooth paste; caries-preventive paste - 防齲牙膏
n.齲齒 - a decayed tooth
n.基牙,橋基牙 - abutment tooth
n.丙烯酸樹脂牙 - acrylic resin tooth
n.牙面酸處理 - acid etching of tooth surface
n.異體牙移植術 - allotransplantation of tooth
n.發炎的牙床 - an inflamed tooth socket
基牙,固定齒 - anchor tooth
n.牙萌出異常 - anomaly of tooth eruption
n.防齲牙膏 - anticarious tooth paste
n.根尖孔 - apical firamen of tooth
n.牙根尖孔 - apical foramen of tooth
同化齒 - assimilation tooth
人工塑料牙 - artificial plastic tooth
n.假牙,義牙 - artificial tooth
脫臼齒 - avulsed tooth
n.倒閂牙 - barred tooth
雙尖齒 - bicuspid tooth
斗齒,突出齒 - buck tooth
犬牙 - canine tooth
齲牙,齲齒 - carious tooth
n.裂齒 - carnassial tooth
牙髓腔 - cavity of tooth
換牙 - change of tooth
臼齒,頰齒 - cheek tooth
基牙 - clasped tooth
n.齲洞分類 - classification of tooth cavity
臨床齒冠 - clinical crown of the tooth
牙鄰接面 - contact surface of tooth
齒的要素 - component of gear tooth
結合牙 - concrescent tooth
圓錐形齒 - cone-shaped tooth
先天齒 - congenital tooth
圓錐形齒 - conical tooth
n.雙生牙 - connate tooth
牛齒釉質 - cow tooth enamel
n.牙擁擠 - crowding tooth
牙冠,齒冠 - crown of a tooth
牙冠,齒冠 - crown of tooth
齒尖 - cusp of tooth
尖牙 - cuspid tooth
尖牙 - cuspidate tooth
n.牙冠尖 - cuspiis of tooth
無尖牙 - cuspless tooth
壞死牙齒 - dead tooth
腐牙,齲牙 - decayed tooth
乳前牙胚 - deciduous front tooth germ
乳牙 - deciduous tooth
n.乳牙萌出 - deciduous tooth eruption
n.乳牙滯留 - deciduous tooth retention
乳齒列 - deciduous tooth row