interactionism[,intə'ækʃənizəm]n. 交互作用論;身心交互影響說
interactionism 交互作用論;互動論;互作用論;身心交感論;symbolic interactionism 符號互動論;符號互動論;象徵式互動論象徵式互動論;象徵互動論;psychophysical interactionism 心身交感論;social interactionism 社會互動;Symbolic interactionism theory 符號交換理論;
1.To explicate the micro processes of threat regulation, I draw on social cognitive theory, symbolic interactionism, and the psychology of emotion regulation. 通過借鑒社會認知理論,符號互動論,以及情緒調節心理學,我闡明了威脅管理的微處理。
2.By far the strongest response to this objection, however, is to suggest that far from ruling out interactionism, contemporary physics is positively encouraging to the possibility. 至此,對這個反對最強的回應,是建議遠離對相互作用的去除。當代物理學鼓勵了這種可能性。
3.According to this, the main body of this article tries to look upon the technology as a one kind of peculiar symbol and study its effect on social psychology by using "Symbolic Interactionism". 有鑒於此,本文試圖利用符號互動理論切入此問題,將技術視為一種特殊符號,從而研究技術對社會心理產生的影響。