





automatic pilot robot pilot 自動駕駛儀;automatic pilot robot pilot 自動駕駛儀;automatic pilot robot pilot 自動駕駛儀;pilot-frequency oscillator pilot oscillator 導頻振蕩器;pilot-frequency oscillator pilot oscillator 導頻振蕩器;


1.A novel OFDM channel estimation method named compounded pilot is proposed which is based on the combination of comb pilot in frequency domain and superimposed pilot in time domain. 本文主要創新點在於把頻域梳狀導頻和時域疊加導頻結合起來,提出一種組合導頻信道估計方法。

2.With the helicopter flying from right to left, start pirouetting, before the helicopter passes in front of the pilot, start a roll away from the pilot, while pirouetting. 直升機由右向左飛行,機體開始自旋,在直升機未到達操控者的正前方時,機體保持自旋並且執行外側側滾(飛離操控者)。

3.A daunting number of hours as a fighter pilot - better yet, a test pilot - which was why he was going into the Air Force after graduation. 還要求作為一個戰鬥機駕駛員--最好是試飛員--的驚人的飛行時數,這就是他為什麼要在畢業後進入空軍的緣故。

4.While descending to3000 feet, a barge swan shot past smashed the pilot tube( pilot head), air speed indicator out of order. 在下降到3000英尺的過程中,一隻大天鵝很快越過,撞壞了空速管。真空速表失效。

5.While descending to3000 feet, a barge swan shot past smashed the pilot tube( pilot head), air speed indicator out of order. 在下降到3000英尺的過程中,一隻大天鵝很快越過,撞壞了空速管。真空速表失效。


A test pilot needs plenty of nerve. - 飛行試飛員需要極大的勇氣。

I want to be a pilot of possible. - 如果可能的話,我想做個飛行員。

My uncle was a pilot with the airlines.He just retired. - 我的叔叔是航空公司的一名飛行員,他剛退休了。

When a light passenger plane flew off course some time ago, it crashed in the mountains and its pilot was killed. - 不久前,一架輕型客機偏離了航線,在山區墜毀,飛行員喪生。

Fortunately, a pilot saw the signal and sent a message by radio to the nearest town. - 幸運得很,一位飛行員看到這個信號,用無線電給最近的城鎮發了報。

A pilot noticed a balloon which seemed to be making for a Royal Air Force Station nearby. - 一個飛行員發現了一隻氣球,它像是正飛往附近的一個皇家空軍基地。

He said that someone might be spying on the station and the pilot was ordered to keep track of the strange object. - 他說可能有人正對基地進行偵察,因此命令那個飛行員跟蹤那個奇怪的飛行物。

The pilot managed to circle the balloon for some time. - 飛行員設法繞著氣球飛了一陣。

When the balloon was over the station, the pilot saw one of the men taking photographs. - 當氣球飛臨基地上空時,飛行員看見有一個人在拍照。


pilot lamp; pilot light - 信號燈

pilot lamp test - 信號燈測驗法

n. socket pilot nut - 凹頭導向螺釘

n. compound pilot die - 復合定位模

n. compound pilot die - 復合導向模

n. locating pilot pin - 定位栓

n. pilot pin operating limit switch - 定位銷操縱的極限開關

n. pilot punch - 導向沖頭

n. pilot gage - 導向定位器

n. pilot arc - 導向弧

n. pilot feed - 導向送料

n. pilot feed - 導向送料裝置

n. pilot feed - 導向送進

n. pilot pin operating limit switch - 導向銷限動開關

pilot valve - 導向閥

n. slotted pilot nut - 開槽導向螺母

n. pilot gage - 引導塞規

indicator lamp; pilot lamp - 指示燈

n. direct pilot feed - 直接導向送料

n. direct pilot feed - 直接控制送進

n. compound pilot die - 組合導向模

n. pilot arc - 維弧

attenuation step pilot lamp - 衰減分級指示燈

n. pilot table - 試驗桌

n. pilot demonstration - 試驗演示

n. pilot tunnel - 試驗道

n. diamond pilot bit - 金剛石導桿鑽

n. indirect pilot feed - 間接導向送料

n. indirect pilot feed - 間接導桿送料

flyers fatigue; pilot fatigue - 飛行員疲勞


n.衰減分級指示燈 - attenuation step pilot lamp

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