





n. cramp ,muscle spasm


spasm['spæzəm]n. 痙攣;抽搐;一陣發作


spasm 痙攣;驚厥;多指小腿腓腸肌痙攣轉筋;抽筋;facial spasm 面痙攣;面肌痙攣;顏面痙攣(抽筋);面肌痙攣,面痙攣;tetanic spasm 強直痙攣;破傷風性痙攣;肌肉強直性痙攣;釋義:破傷風痙攣,強直性痙攣,緊張性痙攣;convergence spasm 會聚痙攣;bronchial spasm 支氣管痙攣;釋義:支氣管痙攣;


1.Worry is a spasm of the emotion. 憂慮是感情的一陣發作。

2.Intern: Is spasm the most prominent symptom in all tetanus patients? 實習醫生:肌肉痙攣是破傷風患者最突出的症狀嗎?

3.There was another spasm in his entrails , the heavy boots were approaching. 他的五臟六腑又是一陣痙攣;皮靴卡嚓聲又走近了。


A gifted American psychologist has said,'Worry is a spasm of the emotion; - 煩惱是感情的發作,


a spasm of pain - 一陣痛苦

spasm of limbs - 四肢拘急

infantile spasm epilepsy - 嬰兒痙攣癲癇

infantile pedal spasm; spasm of toes in children - 小兒腳拳

spasm of calf - 小腿轉筋

tonic spasm of the pharyngeal muscle - 強直性咽肌痙攣

eruptive disease with spasm of lower limbs - 抽筋痧

spasm with numbness - 攣痺

numb limbs and tense tendons; spasm of muscles - 筋脈拘急

spasm fo channels - 經脈相急

relieving spasm and pain - 緩急止痛

spasm of choledochus sphincter - 膽總管括約肌痙攣

abdominal spasm produced by sudder; strain - 腹部迸傷

rhythmic spasm of pharyngopalatine muscle - 節律性顎咽部肌陣攣

spasm of retinal arterioles - 視網膜小動脈痙攣

relieving spasm and pain - 解痙止痛

spasm of accommodation - 調節痙攣


n.一陣痛苦 - a spasm of pain

n.腹部迸傷 - abdominal spasm produced by sudder

調節痙攣 - accommodation spasm

動脈痙攣 - arterial spasm

n.小動脈痙攣 - arteriolar spasm

n.手足徐動樣痙攣 - athetoid spasm

n.面抽搐,面肌痙攣 - bells spasm

n.膽管痙攣 - biliary ducts spasm

支氣管痙攣 - bronchial spasm

n.小支氣管痙攣 - bronchiolar spasm

n.屍體痙攣 - cadaveric spasm

n.大腦性痙攣 - cerebral spasm

n.腦血管痙攣 - cerebrovascular spasm

n.宮頸痙攣 - cervial spasm

n.陣發性痙攣 - clonic spasm

輻輳痙攣 - convergence spasm

n.週期性動眼痙攣 - cyclic oculomotor spasm

n.瀰漫性支氯管痙攣 - diffuse bronchial spasm

n.食管瀰漫性痙攣 - diffuse esophageal spasm

n.抽筋痧 - eruptive disease with spasm of lower limbs

n.食管局限性痙攣 - esophageal localized spasm

n.食管瀰漫性痙攣 - esophageal spasm

n.面肌痙攣,面痙攣 - facial spasm

n.疲勞性痙攣 - fatigue spasm

n.持久性痙攣,持續性痙攣 - fixed spasm

n.弗裡德賴希氏痙攣 - friedreichs spasm

n.機能性痙攣 - functional spasm

注視痙攣 - gaze spasm

喉頭痙攣,聲門痙攣 - glottic spasm

n.聲門痙攣 - glottis spasm

n.習慣性痙攣 - habitual spasm

n.半面痙攣 - hemifacial spasm

面肌抽搐,表情痙攣 - histrionic spasm

n.吸氣肌痙攣 - inspiratory muscles spasm

吸氣性痙攣,吸氣痙攣 - inspiratory spasm

n.小兒腳拳 - infantile pedal spasm

n.胎風;n.胎風,嬰兒痙攣症 - infantile spasm

n.嬰兒痙攣癲癇 - infantile spasm epilepsy

意向痙攣,意向性痙攣 - intention spasm

n.血虛筋攣 - ischemic spasm

n.喉痙攣 - laryngeal spasm

舌痙攣 - lingual spasm

n.嚼肌痙攣,咀嚼劑 - masticatory spasm

n.面肌痙攣 - mimic spasm

移動性痙攣,痙攣性偏癱 - mobile spasm

肌肉痙攣 - muscle spasm

n.筋轉 - muscular spasm

n.病性痙攣 - myopathic spasm

n.肌肉痙攣 - myospasm muscular spasm

瞼痙攣,瞬目痙攣 - nictitating spasm

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