n. castanets ,clappers ,finger cymbals ,maraca
bonesn. 骨骼;身體;爭議點(bone的複數)v. 剔去…的骨;專心致志(bone的第三人稱單數)
Bones 識骨尋蹤;骨骼的功能;骨骼系統;骨頭社;Bones Objects 骨骼物體;bare bones 梗概;樸素真理;坦白之心;陽春型;chalky bones 骨石化病;carpal bones 腕骨;
1.to bone chicken (或 turkey) 剔除雞(或火雞)的骨頭
2.A healthy body has healthy bones, muscles and skin. 健康的身體有健康的骨骼,肌肉和皮膚。
3.Calcium is a mineral found in bones that helps keep them strong. 鈣是存於骨骼中並幫助骨骼維持堅固的一種礦物質。
She felt in her bones that she would succeed. - 她堅信自己能夠成功。
When the belly is full, the bones would be at rest. - 飽暖圖安逸。
and so the tools of long ago have remained when even the bones of the men who made them have disappeared without trace. - 因此,儘管製造這些工具的人的骨頭早已蕩然無存,但遠古時代的石頭工具卻保存了下來。
bones of limbs - 四肢骨
strengthening the bones and muscles - 強筋骨
bones of hand - 手骨
bones of human body; skeleton - 百骸
n.骨瘦如柴 - a bag of bones
n.骨痿 - atrophic debility of bones
顱骨 - cranial bones
n.腕骨骨軟骨炎 - csteochondritis of carpsal bones
n.鼻骨脫位 - dislocation of nasal bones
n.面骨,面顱骨 - facial bones
n.雙骨骨折 - fracture of both bones
n.大理石樣骨病,骨骼石硬化症 - marble bones
n.骨髓腔 - medullary cavity of bones
n.鼻骨切開術 - osteotomy of nasal bones
n.顱骨重迭 - overlapping of cranial bones
n.續筋接骨 - promoting reunion of fractured bones
n.鼻骨再建術 - reconstruction of nasal bones
n.骨縫開錯 - semi-dislocation of bones
n.骨松質 - spongy substance of bones
n.強筋骨 - strengthening the bones and muscles
n.強筋健骨 - strengthening the muscles and bones
n.舟上骨 - supranavicular bones
n.外傷性鼻潰瘍 - traumatic ulcer of bones
n.理傷續斷 - treating trauma and setting fractured bones
n.斷骨接續 - union of fractured bones