unencryptedadj. 非加密的
unencrypted 未加密的;未採用密碼的;末加密;unencrypted password file 未加密的通行碼檔案;unencrypted satellite TV programme channel 無鎖碼衛星電視節目頻道 文康體育;
1.Even then, the message may not be cracked if the "plaintext" (the unencrypted text) is not easily understood. 如果未加密的「普通文本」是不容易理解的,即使算出,報文也可能解不開。
2.Unencrypted messages can be hijacked in transmitted or altered. If the mail is not digitally signed, you can't be sure where it came from. 未加密的信息可能在傳輸中被截獲、偷看或竄改。郵件不是數字簽名的,你就不能肯定郵件是從哪裡來的。
3.If you trust this data retrieval service, and accept the risk of sending your logon information in an unencrypted format, enter your logon information, and click OK. 如果您信任此數據檢索服務,並願承擔以不加密格式發送登錄信息所帶來的風險,請輸入登錄信息,然後單擊「確定」。