minisn. 迷你裙(mini的複數);微型計算機
Minis 迷你商店;對外貿易經濟合作部;The Minis 小矮人籃球隊;Minis First Time 米尼的第一次;PSP minis Game Gollection 遊戲合集;E-minis 合約;
1.Some people use minis to represent social situations, so I guess Goldie could still appear as the party's benefactor or employer. 一些人使用小型計算機代表社會情勢,因此我猜測戈爾迪仍然能作為聚會的捐助人或者僱主出現。
2.The 50th anniversary event featured more than 10, 000 MINIs with some participants bringing their cars from such far away places as the US, Russia, and South Africa. 成立50週年活動精選超過10,000迷你一些與會者將他們的車等地方,美國,俄羅斯和南非。
3.Chen Chao-minis the third cabinet official to offer to quit in the past two days as the political fallout from one of Taiwan's worst natural disasters in recent years spreads. 隨著「莫拉克」引發的政治風暴擴散,陳肇敏成為過去兩天請辭的第三位內閣成員。莫拉克是台灣近年來遭遇的最嚴重自然災害之一。