





in a bad skin in bad mood in bad temper 心情不好;in a bad skin in bad mood in bad temper 心情不好;influenced by the bad then be bad 近墨者黑;Bad Actress 差勁女演員;Who can help my adduce one tea an a lot of bad places 誰能幫我舉出一茶一座很多不好的地方;


1.The bad repair body does the not good false teeth don't easily sweep, will cause tooth for week the hygiene is bad, will also make the gum atrophied. 不良修復體做得不好的假牙不易清潔,會導致牙周衛生不良,也會使牙齦萎縮。

2.Feedback is a bad word, and it's a bad business. 反饋是個糟糕的詞語,也是件麻煩事。

3.Some people say that tolerance will become the connivance of the bad guys bad. 有人說,寬容會變成壞人壞事的縱容。

4.Also terrible. And a plane in one of those gets electrocuted, and your plane goes down like this. That would be very bad. Very bad, scary, scary. 也很可怕。如果其中的一架飛機遭遇電擊,那麼你的飛機就會像這樣掉下來。那就太糟糕了。太糟糕了,太可怕了,太可怕了。

5.Inaccurate measurements lead to bad orbital parameters and hence bad ephemerides - this is why three measurements on an FMO are necessary for the MPC to accept an object onto the CP. 錯誤的測量會導致錯誤的軌道參數計算結果——這就是為什麼在上報給國際小行星中心的時候一定要測量三個點才有可能被接受並出現在確認頁面上。


It's because I have a bad cold. - 那是因為我患了重感冒。

Hello, I have a bad headache. - 喂,我的頭痛得很厲害。

I'll hang it in my office. But I feel bad I didn't get you anything. - 我要把它掛在辦公室。不過,真不好意思,我什麼也沒送你。

Smoking is bad for your health. - 吸煙對你的健康有害。

I had a really bad day. - 今天真是糟透了。

I really feel bad about it, - 我真過意不去。

Oh, you really had a bad day. - 哦 你們真的沒玩好。

Did they write some bad news? - 他們寫了什麼壞消息嗎?

We have good news and bad news, Robbie. - 我給你帶來了好消息和壞消息 Robbie。

The bad news is, you won't be able to adopt the dog. - 壞消息是你不能收養那隻狗了。

It's not a bad game. - 那不是個壞遊戲。

And I do feel bad about your mother - 而且我覺得很過意不去讓你母親

Not a bad slogan. - 不錯的標語。

It's not a bad plan. - 這是個不錯的計劃。

Too bad kids can't vote. - 可惜小孩不能投票。

You're not so bad yourself, Son. - 你自己也不錯,兒子。

I really feel bad about it. - 我真的感到很內疚。

It's my fault. I really feel bad about it. - 是我的錯。 我真的感到很難過。

Not a bad idea, Robbie. - 蠻好的主意, Robbie。

I wonder if a move would be a bad thing for her. And my job. - 我不知道搬家對她來說是否是件壞事。還有我的工作。

I feel so bad for him. - 我為他難過。

Too bad we can't bottle the sound. - 不能將聲音裝瓶真是太可惜了。

It's not as bad as all that. - 事情沒有那麼糟。

Things are never as bad as they seem. - 事情往往不像看上去的那麼糟。

Fast food is all bad for you. - 快餐對你的健康沒有好處。

Your gong fu has a lot of good and bad points, but I'd like to draw particular attention to problems in your footwork. - 你的功夫優點和缺點並存,但我希望你能特別要注意你的步法。

Their after-sales service was just so bad that I decided to never buy anything from that shop again. - 他們的售後服務太差了,所以我決定從此不再能家商店買東西。

I have good news and bad news, which do you want to hear first? - 我有好消息和壞消息,你想先聽哪個?

Don't read in bad light, it can harm your eyes. - 別在昏暗的燈光下讀書,會影響你的視力的。

I think the newspaper put a bad spin on these latest events. - 我認為報紙扭曲報道了最近發生的事件。

When my grandpa is in a bad mood, he's grouchy with everyone. - 爺爺脾氣壞的時候,對所有的人都不滿意。

I'm always in a bad mood on Mondays. - 我每個星期一情緒都很低落。

Well, it's too bad that you have to go. - 真遺憾,你要走了。

The bad news hit everyone hard. - 惡耗使每個人都受到了沉重打擊。

The match was postponed to the following Saturday because of bad weather. - 比賽因天氣不好而延期到下個星期六進行。

Americans consider it extremely bad manners to be late. - 美國人認為遲到是一種極不禮貌的做法。

It's been a bad day. - 今天糟透了。

The building of the new road has been held up by bad weather. - 這條新馬路的修築因天氣惡劣而受阻。

This is a very bad performance. - 這是一次非常糟糕的演出。

The recent rain has had a bad effect on the crops. - 最近的那場雨對莊嫁的影響不好。

He came at a bad time. - 他來的不是時候。

His bad English is a bar to his getting a job. - 他的英語很差,這是他找工作的一個障礙。

He's got a bad headache. - 他頭痛的厲害。

Car manufacturers are having a bad time. - 汽車製造商的日子不好過。

My brother has a bad headache. - 我的兄弟患嚴重的頭疼。

The house needs painting.It's in bad condition. - 房子需要上油漆。房子的情況很糟糕。

I'm afraid I have bad news for you. - 恐怕我有壞消息要告訴您。

Not really, I'm afraid. We were delayed taking off, and we encountered a lot of bad weather. - 不太好,我們起飛延誤了,還遭遇了惡劣的氣候。

I'm afraid I have some rather bad news for you. - 我恐怕有些很壞的消息要告訴你。

I really feel bad about it. Let me buy you a new one. - 我真為這件事感到遺憾。我給你買一本新的吧。


bad hadit; bad usual practice; harmful habit - 不良習慣

bad addiction; bad hadit - 不良嗜好

various bad tastes - 各種不良味道

prognostic bad signs in pregnancy - 妊娠預後不良徵象

be in bad etmper - 心情不好

have a bad headache - 患重頭痛


n.心情不好 - be in bad etmper

n.患重頭痛 - have a bad headache

n.妊娠預後不良徵象 - prognostic bad signs in pregnancy

n.各種不良味道 - various bad tastes

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